ActionAid Local Rights Program

  • Local Rights Program (LRP):
  • The process of how ActionAid works with its local partner organizations
  • LRP has 9 total partner orgs in 5 provinces
    • Pursat: BCV, RFCD
    • 006 Kampot: CWDC
    • 010 Kompong Thom
    • 013 Koh Kong
    • 020 Udor Meanchey
  • 6 Strategy outcomes that we use funding to achieve 4. Women’s resistance to changing environment & natural disaster 5. Gender equality, women empowerment 6. Cooperation with government in decision-making

LRP Partners

Screenshot from 2022-07-27 10-06-46.png

  • New Start Up Partners 2022
    • Thom Province: Co-operation for Development of Cambodia (COVDEC)
    • Pursat Province: Akphivath Neary Khmer Organization (ANKO)
    • Oddor Meanchey Province: Village Support Group (VSG)
    • Kampot Province: N/A
    • Koh Kong Province: Youth Council of Cambodia (YCC)

How LRP partners are managed

  • What are responsibility of LRP finance officer and finance team?
    • Budgeting LRP partner, ActionAid’s budget is divided by departments
    • Auditing partner orgs to see if money is spent according to the guideline
    • Requesting money package from higher ups down to LRP partners
    • Support LRP partners, capacity building
      • Advice on better format of financial reports, organization, and retrieval
    • Review financial policy to find loopholes or corrections
    • Comply with Code of Conduct & SHEA and Safeguarding guidelines
  • LRP partners can be newly connected or phased out (for reasons)
  • New Partner-Start Up Process/Partner Capacity Assessment
    1. Timeline for new LRP Partner Startup
    2. Team up
    3. Identify Local NGOs/Community Based Organization (CBO)s
    4. Organization assessment: look at background, reports, successes, values, field of work, meeting them (ActionAids Child Sponsorship team is responsible for assessment)
    5. Proposal/Plan & Budget:
    6. Grant Agreement (GA): done at December-January of every year
    7. Project Implemented-6 months: audit how ActionAid funding packages are utilized and if long term partnership is viable
    8. Pre-appraisal Results:
    9. Partner Appraised and Approved Long Partnership

LRP Budgeting

  • Team Arrangement
    • Country Director
    • Partner Team
    • HOP
    • HOFA
    • Finance Officer
  • ActionAids Child Sponsorship budget for packaging, on field collection trip, volunteer & interns