Fiji country profile | BBC

Created Time: June 12, 2021 1:59 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: September 5, 2021 12:30 PM Tags:#Article Type: Literature Notes URL:

  • Official Name: Republic of the Fiji Islands

  • Capital: Suva

  • Continent: Australia

  • Population 900,000

  • Major languages English, Fijian, Hindi

  • President Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama was worn as prime minister in Sep 2014

    • 8 years before he overthrew the government in a coup as chief commander
  • Press and public media exists and operate along side state-run media

    • Public press is restricted by the “draconian” decree though
  • Lots of efforts to deal with climate change

    • fear of submerging low islands like the archipelago

1643 - Dutch explorer Abel Tasman is the first European to visit the islands.

1970 - Independence after a century of British rule.

1987 - The first of two coups overthrows the Indian majority government of Prime Minister Timoci Bavadra.

1999 - Mahendra Chaudhry is elected Fiji’s first ethnic Indian prime minister but is overthown a year later.

2014 - Former military leader Frank Bainimarama is elected prime minister, eight years after seizing power in a coup.