IS201-Midterm Review Day Notes


  • NIEO
  • Industrialization: ask for more FDI but also technology transfer, skill
  • Social Issues: ask for compensation incase.

NPT: Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (Binding): Used to control nuclear weapons in countries

  • No Vertical proliferation: no transfer of nuclear weapon
  • No Horizontal proliferaton: no transfer of nuclear technology
  • IAEA:
  • No nuclear testing
  • Only use nuclear technology for civilian use (nuclear power), no military use.
  • Only P5 are allowed to possess nuclear weapons.

Construction: is a theory explaining that your perception is shaped by

  • Social Norms
  • Cultures
  • Values
  • Experiences
  • History

Which shapes your behaviour and social interactions with others.

Chapter 2

Non Compulsory Jurisdiction is a principle by ICJ, that ICJ can only judge on a case after the parties agrees to be judged on

Conflict resolution: is activities to stop a conflict from evolving into war

Anachronism is when the structure of UN that reflect the period of Post World War II, but not of today’s 21st century.


  • P5 powers doesn’t reflect the today’s super powers.

  • Sovereignty: Doesn’t allow intervention in states that abuses human rights.

Super power unanimity: all the P5 voting yes in a decision.

Voluntary restraint: a policy by France, for the P5 to refrain from using Veto power in humanitarian crises.

Chapter 3

Collective legitimation of action: the use of UN to legitimize a state’s international intervention in another state.

Chapter 4

Impartiality: Must remain unbaised, being neutral without taking sides

Non use of force except for self defence and civilian defence

II.Discussion Questions

  1. Liberalism better explains the world today because
  • Countries today depend on each other’s economy and interactions

  • Economic and Political power is more influential than military power now adays

  • Whether UN is used as a tool or not.

  1. UN responded to the nuclear revolution by the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.
  • Horizontal Proliferation

  • Vertical Proliferation

  • Don’t allow nuclear testing

  • IAA: International Atomic Agency

  • Enforce and inspect usage of nuclear power
  1. UN promoted decolonization by creating a new international norm, to shame powers for more decolonization. For the colonized to gain independence, sovereignty, self government.

Chapter 2:

  1. What influenced the UN structure
  • Concert of Europe
  • The Hague system
  • Public International Union

Inefficiency of UNSC

  • Financial Problem
  • Political Bias
  • Administrative issues

Chapter 3

UN relevancy to small states:

Chapter 4

5 Gens of peackeepings: seperated by levels of force used.

1st Generation: Traditional Peace Operation (Cold War)

Interstate conflicts: not involving p5

Main objective: is to keep cesefire

create buffer zone

force & weapon reduction

Force: little enforcement power, only force for protecting civilian

2nd Generation (the 90s):

Civilian personnel and police in peacekeeping missions


keep cease fire

Help with transition period from war to peace

More Intrastate conflicts

3rd Generation:

Focus on peace enforcement

more focus on human rights

more involvement with regional organization

R2P: Responsibility to Protect (protect civilian) *need research

4th generation:

peace building: help state during transition period to prepare for long lasting stability

Ex: Timor still needed help after peace, to build state

5th generation:

Hybrid mission: between

Peace keeping: west

Peace building: south

Involvement with regional organization


Different command orders divided troops objectives

Each different troop is autonomous and follows their origin country