Fiji’s Trade Agreements | MCTTT

Created Time: June 13, 2021 1:09 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: June 13, 2021 1:25 PM Tags:#Article Type: Literature Notes URL:

  • What are the IOs Fiji is involved in?
    • WTO
      • Joined in 1996
      • Fiji is active member continues to promote and adhere to WTO principles
      • Participates in Doha Development Agenda
        • Member of Small Vulnerable Economies group
      • Member of African Caribbean & G-90 & G-77
    • EU-Pacific Interim Partnership Agreement (IEPA): to connect Fiji with EU trade
      • Market exports
        • EU is a traditional market for Fijian sugar
        • fish, garments, mineral water and a few agricultural commodities
    • Melanesia Spearhead Group Trade Agreement (MSGTA)
      • Joined in MSG 1996 and MSGTA 1998: focusing on free trade agreements in goods
      • MSGTA Helped with integration of MSG and Pacific region
      • Trade and investment in MSG is crucial to Fiji
    • Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA): to promote regional cooperation and integration via trade
      • Out of 14 members, only 7 including Fiji signed and readied
      • The FICs combined population is over 10 million people and is a very important market for Fijian products