International Organization

  • International organizations are a permanent body for conferences for multilateral diplomacy

Advantages of permanency of IOs

  • Why does conferences need to be permanent?
  • Permanent problems are dealt with
  • Unlikely to meet countries can join frequent meetings of many different nations allow build up of cooperative relations
  • Better structure -> More effective solutions
    • Clear rules of procedures
    • Existing laws & charters
    • Accumulative process and momentum
    • Better existing follow up mechanisms

Disadvantages of permanent organization

  • Fixes structure since creation of the IO
    • Fixed status/power level: P5, UNSC
    • Fixed procedures & rules

Organization of IOs

  • IOs have institutions or charters that specifies its
    • Structure
    • Aims
    • Rules of procedures
  • It must have
    • A governing body: like the UNSC and UNGA
    • A permanent secretariat
    • A permanent headquarters

Criteria of an International Organization 1

  1. Must be created by a treaty/agreement (UN Charter, ASEAN Charter)
  2. Must have states as members
  3. Must be regulated by International Law (follow int’ laws)
  4. Endowed with legal personality
    • Legal Personality: to have all the rights & duties to perform under international law.
    • Creating conventions, agreements, with same rights as states



  1. Chapter 3 International Personality of IS304’s textbook