Meeting for Exploration 4
(F) Day of the week: Friday Class: TED-Ed Created Time: February 5, 2021 7:23 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: February 5, 2021 7:23 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:38 AM
Game Buzz
Number ending by 5 multiple say buzz
(15 mins)?
What makes an idea worth spreading?
among their list of passionate topics, and proposals, which have the most number of characteristics that are “worth sharing”
- Non cliche, underappreciated topics
- Rememberable ideas that incite thinking, couriousity, and questions
- idea should be helpful, valuable to know, or applicable to real life
- it can be a new perspective on a common topic
For us to do
- EL team should note down your buddies’ ideas
- For what session that might be too difficult to explain for us (volunteers)
- We should invite a public speaker to guest in a session with 2 weeks notice
- Maybe exploration 7? building your argument with evidence
- Help them give feedback on their selected idea to make sure they don’t get stuck on an idea that isn’t good later on.
Homework + What have we done?
- Exploration 1: tell us who you are
- Exploration 2 : discover great ideas
- Exploration 3: learn the art of feedback
- Exploration 4: identify your ideas
say something about each exploration, what was important about them
Reflection in between
So as an exercise, after this session, I want you guys to share your idea to someone, maybe a friend, classmate, or family member. See their reaction, what they have to say about it, maybe it will help you come up with changes or a different perspective as a whole for your topic.
So at this point its the end of the discover section, it means that you should have picked or at least have an idea of what your talk will be about. You know, in exploration 1 we got to know each other and created your passion badge full of ideas you’re passionate about. In exploration 2, you learned why an ideas is great. maybe its great because it gets people thinking, or something underappreciated, or maybe just a topic the speaker is passionate about is enough. Then in exploration 3, we learned how to give helpful feedbacks we learned about the 4 suits and you should only give helpful feedback which is… diamonds and spades feedback. And today, session 4, you’ve ranked your most valued topic at the top, ready to be developed. In later sessions, we will use the progress from this discover sessions to continue and build on one topic that is to be your best idea in the develop explorations.
Nika: readers are interested, convince people to read books, everything
2nd: consciousness is part of the cosmos, carbon based doesn’t allow free will. You only know you’re mind, your the only one who’s conscious
3rd: good habits, makes your life happier
4th: have been director of competition of videography, takes many months to do that job. Very natural, good attitude with examples, body language
5th: introvert have been through a lot, wants to share experience how it’s like, to encourage introverts to not act extroverted. Not very confident6th: tech allow people to do whatever you want, mom was wrong that tech won’t help with anything. Any industry needs technology’s help. Online platforms, youtube, twitch, very passionate about tech.
6th: why should study math, help problem solving help with life problems. Young but confident, voice is a bit low. Not very many good points, very general
7th: ghosts, think ghosts exists, confident voice and body language. Creepy feelings always happen. Ghost do exist8: insecurities can affect people feeling. Relatable, appearance, fast speaker, hunched over, not very good body language. Tries to be confident
9 learning neutonian physics, very important, newton gravity physics. Very important for science. Doesn’t have very confident voice
10 photography is more important than we thought. Let go of insecurities in photos.
11: others to stop letting their past hold them back. Looks at volunteers and slides q lot, not very much body language. Want to share experience. Alright to be slo and not the best
12: learning language, learning language from other counties why not learn instead of youtube and social media, the more qlnguage the more experience outside your country.
13: enjoy life, be in simulations, god… Express themselves through phots songs, live the best life you can, good speech
14: small red shirt kid, want to get over fear, go to high places, is a bit boring of a topic but he’s pretty young. He got over his fear of mountains and climbed and went back down. Facing your fear makes you immune to it on the future.prerty good at the end
15: what matters most, health, health care service, have personal story. Not enough equipment to take care of his friend. Tragic story capivating. Program to help the poor.
16: passion, troubles with loved ones, adventurous, seems confident, good body language and intonation. Passionate.
17: volunteering, some may think not very advantageous, it’s effective in life but didn’t give example. Help share with people around, share love to people around. Motivate people, help poor. Uses body language
18: everyone should have chance to do the what they want, passion. Using pretty good body language, try without hesitation. Culture be successful is finding meaning
19: be yourself q strong person, want people standing up for their future. Slow tone but with lots of filler words, want to be strong people.
20: keeping going no matter how hard, uses example, seems passionate,
21: if people should follow crowd, sounds like about to laugh, seems passionate about her idea, too fast talking. L ave people to think about topic
22: climate change is about people’s choice, effect of climate change wish well known, good eye contact, body language, stutter a bit.
Tell buddies to rethink their topic and be sure it’s a good topic.
Invite alumni to speak on their experience 2 people
El team can continue from next session onwards, make our own slides
Session 6: prepare reading and make slides, guest speaker if too hard. If some experience
Inform group chat buddies to change topic if need be by 2 weeks before next session
Wednesday PC meeting first draft
Friday whole meeting