Simulation 1: Somalia

Class: IS306 Created Time: April 25, 2021 10:24 PM Database: Assignment Database Last Edited Time: July 23, 2021 1:21 AM Status: Done

United States

  1. Chea Resan
  2. Sambath Thearavattey

Standard Process of Meeting

Simulation 1 Meeting 1

Simulation 1 Meeting 2

Simulation 1 Meeting 3

Background of the Issues in Somalia

Social Problems Backgrounds

  • Refugees: displaced millions of people
    • Kenya blocked refugees from Somalia coming to their country
    • Somalia is hosting refugees from many countries
    • Reasons
      • Extreme Weather
      • civil war Violence
      • stolen humanitarian aid

Proposed Solutions

  1. For members of the UN to work with NGOs, IGOs, and Regional Organizations to Provide humanitarian aid to refugee camps.

    Does solving the refugee crisis in Somalia help US national interest? What do we want to happen?


  • Active terrorism of Al-Shabab (a branch of Al-Queda)
    • Help of training by US counter terrorisms
      • Recently withdrew troops and training
      • Still some commanders remain to train Somalian security though
    • Al-Shabab uses violence and threats to recruit
      • Stopping violence against civilians now
      • But still fight national government
    • the Al-Shabab in destabilizing the country
      • The delayed election
      • Distrust in Federal Govt by the state govt
    • Attacks humanitarian groups from UN and AU
      • Spend more funding to protect them


How much does the US care about terrorism?

  • US uses the argument that the situation of violence and security already got better from the US’s help, and they don’t need the help anymore
  • The US does not really care about terrorism because if it does care, it would not withdrew the troop.

Humanitarian Crisis


  • Casualty due to conflicts
  • COVID-1
  • Famine: drought
    • Hot season insects destroying crops
    • Flooding
  • Corruption: bad governance and injustice to the people
    • Military soldiers not paid well → soldiers selling their weapons on the black market
  • Human rights violations
    • Women: sexual violence
    • Child abuse
  • Freedom of expression
    • Reporters and civilians are suppressed punished or killed.

Proposed Solutions

  • famine & flood
    • Build water system
    • Food assistance, including emergency feeding and cash
    • Diagnosis and treatment of childhood malnutrition
    • Water and sanitation to prevent water-related diseases and provide water for irrigation
    • Support for improved, more efficient agriculture and for farmers to diversify livelihoods
    • Land rehabilitation to improve harvests
    • food, clean water and sanitation services, medical assistance, livelihood skills training, educational programs, other essential relief supplies, and child-protection activities and programs.

International Issues

  • UN lacks funding for aid relief missions in Somalia
  • US less support to security?

Proposed Solutions

The United States will contribute to our best efforts financially to the United Nations to operate aid relief operations in Somalia to deal with societal problems created by the constant insecurity in the country.


  1. Election Situation
  2. Terrorism

Allies of US

  1. Estonia: strong ally
  2. UK: western values
  3. Kenya: long time close allies
  4. France: Active and friendly relations