Cyber Security Research

IoT Cybersecurity

IoT: Internet of Things: connecting all devices all over the world as systems in our lives are embedded in technology and internet connectivity

5 Cybersecurity Issues to Address in the Asia-Pacific Region

  1. IoTs because of lazy manufacturing and short period software/security support leads to devices vulnerable to DDOS attacks

    • Asia pacific develop 36% of the world’s IOT devices
    • deepfakes taking over phone, door bell face identification
    • enterprises: manufacturing industries want to use sensors, trackers, wearables, gps to streamline their manufacturing process with the system connected devices
      • They need to invest in security of these connected devices with diagnostic software and hardware
    • asian states must issue guidance and restrictions on companies’ IoT practices
  2. Personal data privacy of internet users are bad cuz

    • Companies use users data to be sold without the people knowing what they’re used for
    • People are ignorant of how they give out their data such as in websites, apps, and scam forms
    • People underestimate the danger of giving out personal data

    Cross-Border Privacy Rules in Asia: An Overview

    • APEC voluntary agreement to allow free flow of personal information across borders while protecting private and risky information to allow harmonization and benefits each other internationally in asia
      • but its voluntary and does not harmonize

What Did ASEAN’s Latest Transnational Crime Meeting Achieve?

  • most actions or cooperative actions involve ASEAN or ASEAN+3
  • cyberattacks by China
  • ASEAN position on cyber security
  • it seems that only ASEAN as an institution that cares about working together and tackling cyber security and cyber crime
    • don’t really see other institutions in east asia such as for Japan, Korea, China, Russia
  • Quantum computing and the quantum supremacy
    • What will come of that? security that was uncrackable now are. Risks for state+state conflicts.