Chapter 7: Southeast Asia in the Regional and International Economies

(F) Day of the week: Wednesday Class: IS210 Created Time: April 29, 2020 2:14 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: April 29, 2020 2:14 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: February 12, 2022 4:34 PM Type: Lecture

Post-colonist SEA states remain connected to their former colonial rulers through subsistence agriculture

  • Imbalance between cheap agriculture exports and expensive manufactured goods

    Import Substitution Industrialization: local manufacture replacing imported foreign goods

    Export-led Industrialization: produce products locally and export for more profit

  • 1980s, SEA ASEAN’s tigers were still small compared to the rest of Asia (China, Japan…)

    ⇒ 1990s, ASEAN looked to regional integration for a bigger market and voice in the world

I. Intra-ASEAN Regionalism and ASEAN Free Trade Area

1. Intra-ASEAN Regionalism

  • 1967, Bangkok Declaration, formation of ASEAN for economic cooperation.
  • 1976, ASEAN Bali Summit called for industrialization through
    • Market sharing: ?
    • Resource pooling: Sharing resource among members
    • Regional preferential tariffs: reduce trade barriers in the region
  • ASEAN Industrial Joint Venture (AIJV), objected by Malaysia (have own automotive industry)

Lack of Integration

1983, report on ASEAN Cooperation says ASEAN members:

  • no intrastate objective
  • had no political will
  • is self-interested

⇒ 1986, after 19 years still ASEAN members didn’t trust one another

2. ASEAN Free Trade Area

1992 Singapore Summit: first ever ASEAN talk about economic cooperation

  • AFTA ran by Common Effective Preferential Tariffs
    • Effective: 1st Jan 1993
    • Target: of lowering tariff levels 0-5 %
    • CLMV joined and had later deadline to comply with AFTA
  • AFTA Plus
    • ASEAN Framework Agreement in Services (AFAS): foreign services locally


      • Hospitals
      • Banks
      • Agencies
    • ASEAN Investment Area (AIA): fairly treat foreign investors to stimulate flow of investment

      Created: 1995

      Applies for both ASEAN members and non-ASEAN members

      • Tax exemption
    • ASEAN Industrial Cooperation (AICO): to manage taxation levels of imports


    • Problem of

      • how to harmonize the Six and CLMV economies
      • Diversity of banking, tax, regulations, judicial systems, corruptions

3. The External Impetus

ASEAN concerned over competition for FDI against fast growing China

  • Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

    Created: 1989

    Aim: promote cooperation in Pacific Rim countries to influence dominant powers

    First Meeting: Blake Island 1993

  • Bogor Declaration:

    Created: 1995

    Aim: for developed countries to open their economies by 2010, and developing countries by 2020

4. The Clash of 1997

China and Japan devaluated their currencies ⇒ their products are cheaper than SEA

  • SEA financial crisis 1997
  • IMF support program (billions) with conditional reforms: for changes in behavior by countries
    • Only Malaysia Rejected: Mahathir paranoid about external interference

ASEAN had no financial institution to deal with financial crisis

Regional Response

  • ASEAN approved Japan’s 100 billion assistance for no condition

    ASEAN looked East ⇒ ASEAN+3 (China, Japan, South Korea)

  • The 2000 Chiang Mai Initiative linking ASEAN to China, South Korea, and Japan

  • After financial crisis, ASEAN Surveillance Process created for monitoring and sharing info about financial issues

Pattern of ASEAN Trade and Investment

  • ASEAN wanted economic integration to
    • expand trade
    • attract investment
  • ASEAN recovered from 1997 financial crisis
  • ASEAN is concerned over the West market as China was rising
    • China has cheaper labor
    • ASEAN relied on outside markets more than among themselves

Inequality between market of the Six and CLMV

  • No institution to promote trust among members
  • Competition by CLMV to reduce wealth gap

Economic Regionalism Beyond AFTA

ASEAN intends to promote deeper regional integration

ASEAN views the West protectionism a threat to it’s expansion

  • Trump’s focus on unemployment “America First”
  • ASEAN pursing both (depending on differing interests)
    • FTA through bilateral agreement
    • RTA through multilateral agreement

🍜 “Noodle Bowl” different lack of uniform rules of trades that compete with one another making prices higher for consumers

ASEAN strong relation with ASEAN+3

Trade Implication with Politics

  • China pursues dominant position with East Asia Free Trade Area
  • Japan against China’s influence with Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia
  • Obama’s US opposed closed regionalism, advocated Free Trade Agreement of Asia Pacific against China
  • Trump’s US imposed protectionism ⇒ Trade War with China
  • Global supply chain may shift out of China after Coronavirus


3 Stages of ASEAN’s Economic Cooperation

  • The import substitution industrialization
  • The export-led industrialization
  • Regional Economic Integration

ASEAN’s economic integration relied on FTA and RTA with the weakness of "noodle bowl"

  • Weak institution for cooperation and regulation for rules of common good
  • Undermines ASEAN regional influence as members are absorbed into China’s and US’s framework

ASEAN has to adapt to the post coronavirus new world order

Discussion Questions

  1. Explain ASEAN economic evolution since post-independence to current day.

  2. ASEAN has desire for regional integration but ASEAN’s economic outward looking method undermine ASEAN’s integrations efforts.

  3. How does coronavirus and US-China Trade War implicate the ASEAN trade prospect in the future?

    • Foreign imports in US is taxed (protectionism)
    • US retract businesses/Companies from China from both Coronavirus and Trade War

    Positive: more foreign companies into SEA from China

    Negative: US’s protectionism impacting market accessibility from SEA