Assignment: What are the impacts of globalization on Cambodia’s Tourism

Class: IS403 Created Time: November 5, 2021 3:58 PM Database: Assignment Database Last Edited Time: January 12, 2022 3:31 PM Status: Done Type: 📑

Group 4 Members

  1. Chea Resan
  2. Meng Molikannan
  3. Sim Sovachana
  4. Sokha Nylyching


  • Analyze globalization’s impact on Cambodia
    • Each group is divided to focus on one part of Cambodia that is affected by Globalization
      1. rice sector
      2. tourism
      3. garment sector
      4. construction sector
      5. SMEs
      6. trade
      7. FDI
      8. impact on factory owners: satisfaction, pains from globalization?
  • What are the good parts, bad parts, recommendations to amend the bad parts
  • Choose a scope that you can cover in 2000 words
    • scope down sample of DIS students, city people
    • cultural identities
    • you should have sufficient knowledge or information on the scope you’re picking
      • secondary & primary data

      • Interviews of owners, representing people of the field in question

      • should find out background or basic information first before figuring out the questions to ask

        💡 Ex: Learn about the life of a farmer, their needs, wants, perspectives to understand in which ways they could be affected by changes brough on by globalization in Cambodia

        • Literature review of basic aspects of your topic first (farmer’s life, influences of globalization on developing country, past studies on same topic)
    • Asking managers, supervisors, as well as workers of a factory to get all perspectives of a topic, not biased on negative or positive parts
  • Intro, literature review, methodology, framework, background information should all be short
  • The findings should be the longest
    • It’s a research report, not a research proposal
    • Organize your supporting evidence, to support your hypothesis

  • Why tourism is important to economy
  • Topic: What are the impacts of globalization on Cambodia’s Tourism
    1. How has the globalized tourism sector impacted Cambodia?
      • Economical Impacts - Kannan
        • Cambodia started globalizing fast because 1

          • the ASEAN and WTO regional and global platforms have allowed Cambodia to step into international trade discussions with various trading partners either bilaterally or multilaterally
          • Cambodia has tapped benefits from the Everything But Arms (EBA) policy of the EU and the Most Favored Nation (MFN) of the US
        • The number of foreign visitors to Cambodia significantly increased from less than half a million in 2000 to about 2.5 million in 2010, as reported by the Ministry of Tourism. 1

        • Free movement of goods and services

          • Foreign owned businesses: outgoing profits
          • Excess tourism turns it unsustainable 2
        • Economical: tourism, SME, FDI, Foreign Trade Agreements

          • infrastructural, roads, accommodations, modernizations, and development of many parts of Cambodia to better accommodate tourism sector

          💡 Ex: foreign oriented businesses, Chinese gangs, gambling

      • Societal Impacts - Resan
        • Water shortage – It is very evident that the tourism industry overuses the water resources for the development of golf courses, swimming pools, hotels, and even the personal use of water by some tourists. 2
        • Tourism may positively impact Cambodia and the large cities in terms of economic advantages, employment opportunities, foreign exchange earnings, and growth in the service sector, however very little of these benefits trickle down to remote areas and rural communities. 2
      • Environmental Impact - Lychhing
        • Forests regularly endure the destructive effect of tourism due to deforestation created by land clearing for hotels, as well as being used as building material and fuel for the tourism industry. 2
        • Loss of natural habitat and wildlife due to loss of natural environment and forest that leads to degradation of local biodiversity. As many as 23 endangered or critically endangered species can be found in just one corner of Cambodia, in the wilderness that gently bumps up to Vietnam’s boarders. 2
    2. How has the recent COVID-19 pandemic affected the globalized and tourism-reliant Cambodia? 1 - Sovachana
      • How globalization has made Cambodia reliant on tourism?
      • Cross border transactions, functional organizations
      Research for Tatmadaw and Rohingya Crisis



  1. FutureChallenges » The effects of globalization on Cambodia 2 3

  2. Why sustainable tourism in Cambodia - Impact Explorer Cambodia 2 3 4 5