Chapter 6: Assessing the Validity and Reliability of Measures

(F) Day of the week: Tuesday Class: IS303 Created Time: December 8, 2020 12:47 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: December 8, 2020 12:47 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Presentation Notes, Reading Notes


In translating mental abstractions into empirical ideas we need to look at problems of accuracy during translation.

  • Validity: the extent to which it is measuring what is claimed to measure
  • Reliability: ability to deliver consistent or stable results

1. Measurement Validity

To test whether a variable measure what it claims to measure:

Ordering from least to more rigorous assessment

1.1. Face Validity

The assessment of validity by seeing if it looks right (logical) on the surface

  • Lack Validity

It’s the minimum a research should do. It is subjective, different people have different assessment

Ex: You cannot measure people’s happiness by whether people stomp their feet.

1.2. Content Validity

Assesses if conceptual and nominal definition over lap each other:

  • Conceptual Definition: theoretical clarification of concepts
  • Nominal Definition: steps involved in documenting the concept

If the purpose of the question isn’t the same as the theory in question, its not content valid

How would you measure if it related or overlap, is it subjective?

1.3. Criterion Validity

Assessment using empirical evidence

  • Predictive Validity: using empirical data/evidence to create predictions (picking the right variables)

    If the outcome is the same as the prediction it’s valid

  • Concurrent Validity: using existing valid measure to demonstrate accuracy of another measure of the same variable

    How would you do that? Ex?

1.4. Construct Validity

Demonstrating accuracy by producing the same results as theoretically based hypotheses or predictions

Gathering empirical data that comes to the same result to the theory


2. Reliability Check

The ability to produce or yield consistent or stable results

2.1. Test-Retest

Simplest technique

Assessing consistency by measuring twice and looking for similarities and difference on the same subject

Same results = reliable

The importance of time delay:

  • Long Time Delay: subjects could change due to time since last test
  • Short Time Delay: subjects may be able to remember the answers they picked

2.2. Multiple-Forms Test

Assessing consistency by using two forms for the same subject asking for the same information

Changing the way they ask questions

Asking for age:

  1. What is your age?
  2. In what your were you born?

Problem: changing the wording of questions might change the meaning or measurement of the question itself

2.3. Split-Half Test

Assessing consistency splitting measure into two halves of a test to see if both groups of answers correlate to the same result

Cronbach’s Alpha: the coefficient that is frequently used to report reliability

  • From 0 - 1
  • 0.7 is considered reliable

3. Measurement Errors

3.1. Noise Bias

Measurement is the estimate of the true value

There are many measurement errors

3.2. Noise

The error that has no direction or reason

Unintended error due to random chance

  • With many measures noise will cancel each other out and will not be significant

3.2.1. Research Subject

Noise from the subjects’ incompetency in answering:

  • Subject is too tired to provide normal competent answers
  • Subject may be too young to provide accurate answer
  • Subject is inattentive, or not concentrating

3.2.2. Human Diversity

different people will answer differently, if the sample group is too diverse it’s very noisy

3.2.3. Poorly Designed Questions

Random Questions that leads to random answers, not relating to the point of the research

3.3. Bias

Error that has a pattern or consistent direction (overly or under estimate)

Sources of Bias

  • Expectation: Researchers have their theory in mind and might use vague/ambiguous data to confirm their biased theory
  • Biased Tool: can have bias towards one answer or another
  • Threatening Condition: Subjects might answer questions that researchers might want or expect

Reduce bias: by introducing noise as it can cancel each other out

Noise is better than Bias

  • Bias might be malicious in nature and intentional, hard to correct
  • Noise isn’t intentional and will cancel itself out in time and scale