IS405 Debate

Class: IS405 Created Time: December 8, 2021 6:34 PM Database: Assignment Database Last Edited Time: December 30, 2021 3:36 PM Provided Materials: Status: Done Type: 🎙️

Group 1 Members

  1. Chea Resan
  2. Heng Serey
  3. Sorika
  4. Rachana
  5. Sim Sovachana
  6. Sok Udom


  • Give one questions to the other team, one day before the debate
    • Something you want them to explain or can’t explain to your advantage

Realism/Structural Realism vs Neo-Liberalism

  • Anarchy international system: both theory believes in no higher authority, how does that impact IS

    • Neo-Liberalism : due to interdependence: war is not an option, focus economic policy
    • No world government
    • State is the main actor
    • Self-help and security dilemma
      • Nature of state doesn’t change but the structure change
  • Pessimistic view of human nature: possibility of human development in cooperation

    • View of IO: cooperative or a tool
      • Realism : when state and IO interest is opposed, they will abandon IO
        • Indonesia & US
        • created by states, given legitimacy and enforcement power by state
    • Neo-Liberalism: the IS has accumulating progress in humanity and gets better
      • Comparison past to now
      • Realism: humanity might have brief spurts of cooperation, but it is fragile and will eventually turn back into conflict as a cycle.
  • Regime change: is the cause of war

    • Realism: bipolar & multipolar
    • Collective Action Problem: its hard for a group of actors to get together to solve collective problem 1
      • Free ride: as the problem if solved benefits everyone and doesn’t matter who contributed, states have incentive to wait for others to solve it for them instead of helping (global warming)
        • If everyone free rides the objective will fail because it does need contributions
    • Interdependence, MAD
    • The cycle of IS changes still results in State as most important actor
  • Utopianism vs Realism

  • Interdependence

    • Neo-Liberalism: believes in ‘leveling effect’
    • Realism: as earlier advanced states invest in technology first, later advancing states still can’t catch up ⇒ ‘leveling effect’ doesn’t happen
  • What is power? Serey & Resan

    • Soft Power: doesn’t matter when violent conflict happens
      • Economic power more important than military?
    • Hard Power: concentrated in state, ability to make someone do something they wouldn’t do by themselves
  • Realism’s weakness

    • Why can some states without military power challenge a powerful state? 2
      • Iceland challenging UK for fishing area: it used law method rather than military. It threatened to leave the NATO if UK kept harassing it (it had a NATO base)
        • membership in a multinational institution as a mechanism of power
      • Realism’s Weak Counter: National politics, international institutions, and ideological or cultural affinities among nations have little relevance to FPD,
        • Weakness: but if that’s true Iceland would have aligned with the Soviet, but due to cultural differences it didn’t
  • COVID-19

    • Realism: Why do countries have vaccine technology and don’t share it with everyone. Commercial benefits, selfishness,
    • COVAX

💡 Research Cold War, if it’s success

  • Reductionist approach to IS studies

cooperation isn’t impossible but not long lasting

concessions are made by smaller

when larger states get what they want it will end




  1. IS405 Lecture Neo-Liberalism

  2. Neo-liberalism versus Neo-realism | by Kenneth Andres | Medium