IS403 Lecture Globalization and War

Class: IS403 Created Time: November 26, 2021 2:30 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: January 17, 2022 9:25 PM Type: Lecture, Reading Notes

  • How have globalization changed or affect nature of war?

    • Past wars
    • New wars/post-modern war
      • new nature of war
    • How war changed or influenced by globalization
  • Cold War was a turning point: wars saw a sharp decline in numbers

    • War between great powers more unlikely
    • Changes in international system is changing characters of war
  • Which aspects of wars have changed: New or Post-Modern War

    • New planes of warfare by Non-states warfare in ‘new war theater’
      • Global media
      • Cyberspace: hacking, disrupting communication
      • Terrorist operation
    • Battlefield has now become ‘Battlespace’
      • Airpower
      • Use of Space satellites
      • Cyberspace & communication
    • Remotely piloted drones: non-human combatants

Definition of War

  • War in the past “an act of force intended to compel our opponents to fulfil our will”

    • “a continuation of political intercourse with a mixture of other means”
    • War is a form of politics
  • War now: is harder to define because Non-State actors

    organised violence carried on by political units against each other

Nature of War

  • Violence is a necessary, but not a sufficient, requirement for a conflict to be defined as a war.
  • War is fought for reasons
  • Contemporary warfare is being influenced by globalization.
  • War requires highly organized societies.
    • Internal Scale Cooperation: is possible which war requires a society to cooperate in performing complex tasks on a large scale.
    • External Scale Cooperation: is difficult to cooperate making hostilities
  • War can be a powerful catalyst for change.
  • The nature of war remains constant, but its form reflects the particular era and environment in which it occurs.

Contemporary warfare takes place in a local context,

  • but it is also played out in wider fields and influenced by
    • non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations, regional and global media, and users of the Internet.
    • In many ways, contemporary wars are partly fought on television, and the media therefore have a powerful role in providing a framework of understanding for viewers of the conflict.
  • As the world is now interconnected, wars are hard and too costly to manage than just cooperating or solving arguments peacefully
Past WarsModern War
PartiesInter-State WarsIntra-State War, different factions & groups in control of each part of state
ConsequencesOnly affect rural peopleaffects everyone, Mass destruction & deaths, genocide, global economic ripple
MeansConventional weapons, airforce, navyMore destructive capabilities, nuclear weapons, cyberattack, satellite
CausesPursue state’s objectives
  • Size of state and power determines war strategy of states
    • Powerful states try to catch up on arms race
    • Weak states practice guerilla tactics, whoever lasts the longest will survive
  • Globalization increases the sales of weapons around the world