1. Conceptual Problem: Equity, Equality and Social Justice

  • Equity: to understand and give people what they need to enjoy full, healthy life
  • Equality: to ensure that everyone gets the same things to enjoy full, healthy life

Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

  • Social and economic inequality is the prerequisite for civil and political rights
  • Unit 1 The Polis: Athens first to try democracy, having citizens decide the governance

Dependency Theory vs Modernization Theory

  • John Locke (1632-1704): Notion of rights, non-interference, non- coercion
  • Adam Smith (1723-1790)
    • Notion of rights (as in John Locke’s)
    • Wealth as a social product – division of labor
    • Notion of social coordination
  • Utopian Socialist: Francois Maries Charles Fourier:
    • social experimented with social inequality
    • if a classless society is possible (failed) (socialism)
  • Marxism & Social Inequality
    • Karl Marx (1818-83)
    • The Bourgeoisie & Proletariat
    • Division of labor & exploitation/alienation
    • Material equality
    • Private a Social ownership

Societal Inequality

  • Similarly, Feminism also reflects the conflict between groups in society, but instead of seeing society in terms of class conflict, they see conflicting interests between females and males (gender inequality). They believe that man maintain their power by using state to control women. Feminist theorists also define a belief that women are entitled to enjoy the same rights and privileges as men. Thus, ‘the feminist movement aims to bring changes that will end discriminatory practices and realize equal rights for women in all spheres of life’