Child Abuse §
Types of Child Abuse §
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Psychological abuse: This can include threats of harm or abandonment, humiliation, verbal abuse, shaming, and isolation of children.
- Neglect: individuals prevent children from accessing life necessities such as food, emotional, education, or physical health needs.
- Child marriage
- Child sexual exploitation: commercial and online sexual exploitation
- Grooming: individual deliberately tries to gain a child’s trust so they can carry out abuse or exploitation.
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): This is a procedure carried out on girls and women which involves injury to the female genitals. It is carried out in some communities as part of preparation of girls for child marriage. FGM violates women and girls’ right to be free from torture, cruel, or inhuman treatment.
- Modern Slavery:
- Child labor
- Sexual exploitation
- Child trafficking
- Child pornography
References §
- SHEA and Safeguarding