Week 12: Group 5: Smart Strategies
(F) Day of the week: Thursday Class: IS406 Created Time: February 14, 2022 2:32 PM Database: Events Database Date: May 5, 2022 Days Till Date: 26 Last Edited Time: February 14, 2022 2:35 PM Type: Presentation
Bueger, C., & Wivel, A. (2018). How do small island states maximize influence? Creole diplomacy and the smart state foreign policy of the Seychelle. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, 14(2), pp.170-188. Grøn, C., & Wivel, A. (2011). Maximizing influence in the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty: from small state policy to smart state strategy. Journal of European Integration, 33(5), pp.523-539. Arter, D. (2000). Small state influence within the EU: The case of Finland’s ‘Northern Dimension Initiative. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 38(5), pp.677-697 Schulz, T., Hufty, M., & Tschopp, M. (2017). Small and smart: the role of Switzerland in the Cartagena and Nagoya protocols negotiations. International Environmental Agreements, 17(4), pp.553-571. Browning, S. C. (2006). Small, Smart and Salient? Rethinking Identity in the Small States Literature. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 19(4), pp.669-684.