Orientation & What is Globalization?
Class: IS403 Created Time: October 1, 2021 2:20 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: December 1, 2021 7:02 PM Type: Lecture
- Different important questions to be answered in the course
- Cambodia affected by the spread of SARS, but not so serious as with COVID-19
- More affected due to higher levels of globalization
- How could we measure degree of globalization?
- History, Origin, measurement methods/frameworks for globalization
- What are the impacts of globalization? focus on this
- Globalization can have both good and bad impacts
- We have to prepare to cope with or adapt to the negative impacts
- Security: does globalization make us more or less secure? Transnationalism
- Politics: impact of globalization on democracy?
- Economic: does globalization help with economic development?
- Environment: does globalization make our environment more polluted or purer?
- Social: does globalization make us richer or poorer?
- Globalization can have both good and bad impacts
- What policies can be adopted to deal with globalization?
- What measures can companies, institution, states take to cope with upcoming issues and crises from globalization.
- Debate on future of globalization, digital globalization, …
- Cambodia affected by the spread of SARS, but not so serious as with COVID-19
- Use all these information in a research project
- There are reading materials to give details
- There cannot be one definition, framework, or guidelines to follow in dealing with globalization
- You have to know them all and think by yourself which is best
- Topic Presentation: He gives us the freedom, creativity to pick our own topics and questions we’d like to explore.
- He won’t trap us in any specific topic you don’t want to learn about
- Term Paper + Presentation is assigned topics in Cambodia
- How globalization impacted aspects of Cambodia
In-Class Activity
- Read before class
- In class 20-30 minutes to share everything you read
- Don’t expect to come to class and learn from lectures
- Assigned class readings, share, then lect will add things we missed, examples, and give answers to questions
- We note down all the key points
- lect won’t give powerpoint slides
Semester Exam
- No MCQ, True/False, matching, defition
- There will be high order questions
- Ability to explain, compare, contrast, evaluate, analyze, argue, frameworks, concepts, weaknesses, strengths, connection between cause and result, policy recommendation for certain issues of globalization
Formal submission of absent request
Try and use your own examples put in your own words either in Assignments or Tests and not just what examples lect mentioned
Discussion on concepts of globalization October 1, 2021 3:30 AM 20-30 minutes come back at October 1, 2021 4:10 AM Group 5:
What is Globalization?
- Define what globalization is without looking at material
- Globalization is how the world has seemingly gotten closer togethe
- cosmopolitanism
- communication became instant
- transportation between countries become effortless
- every culture reach every corner of the world
- Many ethnicities all over the place
- What are the examples or contributions to globalization?
- Les importance of borders transnationalism
- Silk road, BRI, not only spread economic activity but also cultural
- Globalization is how the world has seemingly gotten closer togethe
- How to measure globalization?
- what methods?
- level of diversity in society
- Flow of trade, FDI, trade relations,
- Diplomatic embassy
- Functional organization: airports
- Cultural exchange programs operated by schools and governments to expose
- Internet
- Indicators on Globalization must be a variable that is measurable.
- We will learn this in the lessons on frameworks of indicators