@November 26, 2021 Meeting With Students
Class: TED-Ed Created Time: November 26, 2021 6:29 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: November 26, 2021 9:08 PM
- Sreypich
- Can you remember all of the script
- Have you practiced and how long did it take
- It would like about 20 minutes to present the whole thing, that is considering you don’t pause much for
- Speech
- I like that you reference researches for your arguments
- You don’t sound as confident about the script yet
- Know when to switch your slides, and make it natural
- Do they have any problems with their speech
- Schedule recording day
- Do we schedule a rehearsal day too?
- Phosatey
- sounds very confident
- sympathetic tone to connect with audience emotionally
- or at least people said so (scientifically proven)
- very similar to old and corrected ones
- not remember script yet
Layheang 11am - 2pm Any Weekdays 5th December
Sokthea Saturday 11th Anytime
Phosatey to be determined
Meyly only available from 3rd week of Jan (probably can’t schedule)
Sreypich Maybe December 12 update (will update back)
Layheang, Sreypich, and Sokthea, we think it’s best if you pick the time slot by yourself so there’d be no problem because we can do whenever.
- Sokthea
- volunteer
- unnatural cadence and rhythm
- 1st, 2nd, third. This followed by and I’ll explain this
- not comfortable with script just yet
- How are volunteers priceless? How priceless volunteers are?
- Slides look great, simple, good color schemes
- Morality/Mortality risk
- Meyly Ung: The Real Importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- It’s not always about logic or intelligence (IQ)
- Use psychology facts
- Movie: “The perfect society”: interesting
- Get her the older lessons