
Callout Feature 1


This is the example here.

> [!INFO] 
> Here's a callout block. 
> It supports **markdown** and [[Internal link|wikilinks]].
  • Unique Themes

    • note
    • abstract, summary, tldr
    • info, todo
    • tip, hint, important
    • success, check, done
    • question, help, faq
    • warning, caution, attention
    • failure, fail, missing
    • danger, error
    • bug
    • example
    • quote, cite
  • Mods of Obsidian



  • Only use a tag on notes if you can think of a use case where you need to search up all cases of that tag
    • For example using the tag #concepts does not help with much becuase I would never search up all concepts at once for any use other than for looking cool
let i = "";
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => i = data.items[1].pagemap.cse_image[0].src);
console.log( await i);

let keyword = "Banana";
var i;
let globalData = fetch(`https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=AIzaSyBI6Qa_CJ5vf81XKJ_Fbd8EmxYsEFWa9m8&cx=017576662512468239146:omuauf_lfve&q=${keyword}`)
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .catch(error => console.error)
const link = await globalData;
dv.paragraph(`<img src="${link.items[1].pagemap.cse_thumbnail[0].src}">`);


  1. Use callouts - Obsidian Help