DNEAE-C10: The Twenty First Century: Structure and Negotiation

Class: IS404 Created Time: December 21, 2021 2:09 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: December 21, 2021 7:17 PM Type: Reading Notes

I. Introduction

  • Effects of personality on the process of negotiation
    • Egotiation: self-image & prestige of negotiator for his/her own country
      • Preserving own country’s face and image is more important than the outcome
    • Dynastic/state ego: is important to preserve to keep own’s position & status in international community

II. Closure of the First World War

1. Outer Ring

  • Middle powers were influential in negotiations (more trilateral negotiation)
    • Big power needs middle states to manage small states
    • Poland as buffer between Germany and Russia to prevent accidental conflicts
  • Germany didn’t regain lost territories or compensations like others
    • It was the instigator

2. Inner Ring

  • French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau: (Patriotic, passionate leader, national interests) his hatred of Germany blinded his decision in making the solution
    • Claimed massive reparation from Germany
  • British Prime Minister David Lloyd George: formulaic rather than principles, positive viewer
    • able to convince others?
  • US’s President Woodrow Wilson: idealist, had hard understanding of Realpolitik, fourteen-point plan
    • Always think about world peace: League of Nations

III. Opening and Closure of the Second World War

  • Catagorizing negotiation based on the number of participants is a useful thing but it is hard to do so
    • Problem of multilateral negotition:
      1. Slow process
      2. Complex of issues
    • Possible solution
      1. Having good framework
      2. Equipped with skill in managing complexity
      3. Coalition bring counterbalance of power
    • Good site of bilateral negotiation
      • Speedy process
      • Less complex
  • Munich Negotiation, 1939

IV. During the Cold War

V. Conclusion