Meeting for Exploration 5

(F) Day of the week: Friday Class: TED-Ed Created Time: February 19, 2021 6:54 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: February 19, 2021 6:54 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:38 AM

Guess speaker alumni talks about essentialism

But also about her experience through our program


music stop

play music and who ever the music stops on have them talk about our past lesson

Have them be sure about the topic they chose

Spin wheel with names to recite past lesson

10 mins: game + Intro

2 Guess Speaker

10 mins each

  • Given 30 mins for both talk and QnA



explains what it is

Throughline: Main theme of the story, short introduction to the talk

  • Used in plays, books, movies, to make the story coherent
  • The most important charactersitic of a talk to tie your story together, so its not too broad, confusing, or out of topic
  • Make your delivery of the same information more interesting and captivating to your audience

Do(s) and Don’t(s) of creating your throughline

  • Shouldn’t be cliché, too positive, not digging deep enough, boring, doesn’t bring new perspective to a common topic.
  • Make it personal, unique, helpful, eye opening, not a story sharing talk either.

Activity 1 for Resan

Meeting for Exploration 5/Untitled.png

Meeting for Exploration 5/Untitled 1.png


Overall 15 mins

8 min group discussion about and compare throughlines

Share to the class 7mn

Last section of the exploration could be used to sit down with the buddy group and discuss what’s left.

3-4 members each

Activity 2 for Phanine

Group of 2 = 14 groups


Reflection for Jason


  • Should remind buddy group in advance to prepare carefully for this Sunday
  • Shouldn’t stop student’s questions if its important
    • Try to be more flexible or loose with the time frame


Game: 7mn

Develop + Main Session Outcome: 3mn

1st Speaker + QnA: 15mn

2nd Speaker + QnA: 15mn

Break: 10mn

Lecture: 15mn

Activity 1: 15mn

Lecture: 10mn

Break 10mn

Activity 2: 40mn

Reflection 10mn

Share: 10mn

Buddy Group Discussion: 20mn

Next Meeting: February 26, 2021 6:30 PM

TED-Ed Session 5 (2021)

Wheel of Names

Wheel of Names

Better View