

Disputes ASEAN Solved

ASEAN Counter-Terrorism

Initial Actions

After September 11th

Limited multilateral cooperation against terrorism

limited due to differing perspectives on terrorism and how to deal with it

In ASEAN meeting on Transnational Crime in Oct 11th, 2001 in Singapore

May 17th 2002, ASEAN Plan of Action to Combat Transnational Crime(AMMTC)

Included tackling terrorism

Still lacked action until Bali bombing 2002

saw how terrorism can affect ASEAN states

2003 Formation of SEA Counter Terrorism Center (Malaysia)

trained border controls to deal with terrorism

2003 meeting on Counter Terrorism and transnational Crime with many states

to share effective anti-terrorism measures.


  • Detained 200 Islamic terrorist members directly connected with Al-Qaeda and the Bali bombing


  • Reluctant members from taking action
  • Reluctant to accept each other’s interference into internal affairs

Haze Problem


  • Land and forests fires in Borneo and Sumatra (1997,Indonesia)
    • cause
      • burning forests for commercial purposes
      • dry weather
    • Consequence
      • 20 million people suffered severe breathing problems
      • 9.3 billion USD in economic loss in Indonesia
      • neighboring states haze


ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Haze & Haze Technical Task Force (1995)

  • Produce the Haze Regional Action Plan
    • Prevention: member states to develop national plans to prevent forest fires.
    • Monitoring:
      • Strengthen ASEAN Specailized Meteorological Center
      • Enhancing intranet system for members
      • Organizing workshops among experts
    • Mitigation

East Timor Issue

The East Timor issue has been in ASEAN agenda since 1999

  • Why?
    • it impacted ASEAN’s image as an effective peace builder
    • Globalization and regionalism makes one state’s security risk affect others

“ASEAN is an effective actor in promoting peace, justice, and moderation in the Asia-Pacific and the world at large”

Origin of East Timor Problem


400 years of Portugal colony

Leftist military coup

FRETILIN (leftist) Decleared Independence

Indonesia and US claimed FRETLIN is communist

Indonesia invation (with US permission) ⇒ 27th province of Indonesia

  • Military Atrocities

  • Human Rights Violations

  • Preah Vihea Case

  • South China Sea Conflict

South China Sea

Malaysia - Phillipines Disputes

Singapore - Malaysia terrotorial disputes

Cambodia-Thailand Border Disputes (Preah Vihea)

What has ASEAN done for the case?

  • Actions

    Statements on stance of ASEAN in the case

  • Accompliments and Failures