Domestic Actor Theory

  • Similar to Liberalism

  • What influence government’s decisions

    • Politicians and leaders
    • Domestic Political Structure:
      • Dictatorship, authoritarian regimes are more likely to be paranoid of other states => building up military+nuclear power 1
  • Domestic Actor Theory a change in which actors and/or institutions control the small state’s government leads to a change in foreign policy. 2

    • This change may occur because any or all of the following
      • A change in control of the government as different parties control key leadership positions (e.g. prime minister, president…)
      • A change in domestic institutions that lead to a change in the number of influence of veto players
      • A change in power of non-governmental actors to influence policy decisions (e.g. fl public opinion)

💡 Domestic Power Foreign Policy

Domestic Power Foreign Policy



  1. Why Do States Build Nuclear Weapons__ Three Models in Search of a Bomb by Scott D. Sagan (1995)

  2. Levels of Analysis of Foreign Policy