Benishangul-Gumuz conflict (2019)

When: 2019

Where: Benishangul-Gumuz Region of (Western) Ethiopia

How it started

  • During the emperorship of Haile Selassie and the following Derg epoch
    • Ethiopia was mostly ruled by Mengistu Haile Mariam
    • ethnic discrimination occurred against Afars, Tigrayans, Eritreans, Somalis and Oromos
  • In the following period, ethnic federalism was implemented by Tigray People’s Liberation Front leader Meles Zenawi
    • discrimination against Amharas, Oromos and other ethnic groups continued during TPLF rule.

The Conversation 1

  • Metekkel is home to ethnic groups (majority Gumuz) are opposed to Amhara state’s claim to ownership of the zone
    • for mineral deposits
    • for farmable lands
  • armed malitias from Gumuz attacked Oromo, Amhara, Shinasha, Awi resents of Metekkel (Sep 2020 → Mar 2021)
  • Gumuz and Shinasha control the 6 districts, unrepresentative of other ethnic groups
  • the area ethnic interests deviated from one another because
    • marginalisation
    • ethnic exclusion
    • poor governance
    • the absence of workable democratic mechanisms
  • at its core, the conflict might be about ethnic, but its bascially its about political conflicts

Al Jazeera 2

  • Cause: Because the crackdown on the OLA by the government, who betrayed them, the OLA retaliated demanding autonomy and interdependence from a federal state (Ethiopia )
  • Response: The government turns a blind eye to and normalize the killings without finding justice. They put on ineffective state of emergencies and essentially made Ethiopia a failed state
  • Solutions:
    • Ethiopian people should be the one deciding Ethiopia’s future, not a prime minister or political party and all ethnic groups should be represented equally not just one ethnic group.
    • To fix this, the system of Tigray People’s Liberation Front , where Amharas are second class citizens if they are not in their ethnic region, should be thrown out. 2
    • National dialogue between OLA and government and between ethnic groups must happen to stop ethnic discrimination and genocide.



  1. What’s causing the violence in western Ethiopia The Conversation

  2. Is Ethiopia hurtling towards all-out ethnic conflict Al Jazeera 2