Chapter 12: Ideology Without End?

(F) Day of the week: Sunday Class: IS301 Created Time: January 31, 2021 11:21 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: January 31, 2021 11:21 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Reading Notes


Ideologies had shaped social transformations and political development

Endism: idea of the ‘end of ideology’ (50s-60s)

  • No Normative Issues: Large scale division of how society should be doesn’t exist anymore
  • Delivery of Prosperity: Focus more on how to deliver the common goal most effectively

What is the role of ideology play in human history?

Is ideologies irrelevant today?

1. Endism (50s-60s)

‘End of Ideology’: broad argument of how ideology became irrelevant for politics, pushed by Daniel Bell (more extreme)

Characterized by WW2:

  • Economic has triumphed over politics
  • Broad agreement by major powers in one common ideology
  • Fascism and communism lost their appeal
  • Debated about how to best deliver on economic growth and prosperity

Rebuttal to Daniel Bell

  1. The agreed upon common goal of managed capitalism is a ideology
    • Value of private property, material incentive
    • Kept in check by social welfare and economic intervention

The common ideology was only temporary

    1. 1960s rise of New Left Ideas: revival of leftist ideologies
    • Anarchism
    • Feminism
    • Marxism
    • Ecologism
    1. 1970s rise of New Right Theories: revived interests in
    • Free-market doctrines
    • Stimulated development

    1. Daniel Bell neglected strong communism in the East only focused on the west
    • Soviet Union
    • Eastern Europe
    • China

1.1. End of History

A broader perspective of ’The End of History and the Last Man’ by Francis Fukuyama growing confidence of the West

  • Western Liberalism won the ideological debate: the common desirability of liberal concepts as the only ideology/political system
    • Liberal democracy
    • Market economy
    • Open & competitive political system
  • Liberal democracy made impressive progress in 20th century

Rebuttal to Francis Fukuyama: biased to western values

  • End of 20th century: revival of Islamism in (only temporary democracy victory)
    • Asia
    • Africa
    • Soviet Union
    • Industrialized West
  • ‘Good Society’ is one that fulfil asperations of all major groups of citizens
    • Capitalist market does not benefit all class equally
  • Marxism and communism still existed

1.2. Irrelevancy of Left and Right

Another form of ‘Endism’ is Postmodernity

🏢 Modernism: is foundationalism through the enlightenment ideas and theories offer rival conceptions of a good life. Postmodernity: doubts meta-narratives

beliefs that can be concretely proven through rational and logical reasoning and premises

19th & 20th century: Competing ideological positions and arguments offered different solutions to essentially the same problem.

Ex: issue of industrial society solved by balance between

Why the decline of left/right divide?

  1. End of Cold War: Left (US) winning over Right (Soviet)
    • Politics started to be more about culture rather than ideologies
    • Fall of Soviet led to rise of Islamism, China, and India threatening the West culture
  2. Globalization:
    • People’s lives effected by events far from them
    • Emergence of ‘post traditional’ social order and social reflexivity
    • No ideology can fully explain the complex reality created by globalization

1.3. Triumph of Reason

🔬 Scientism: the method of acquiring knowledge through a process of careful observation and the testing of hypotheses by reproducible experiments

Ideology may be in the process of being replaced by scientism

  • Ideology only serves as a vehicle for advancing class interests
  • Science: advances human knowledge from irrational beliefs and political ideologies

Is Science an Ideology?

it can be viewed as a ideology.

  • Science links to powerful social forces
  • Shape peoples attitude to truth, justice, and knowledge

Beneficiary: transnational corporations who are increasingly responsible for funding scientific and technological development

2. The Resilience of Ideology

Each version of Endism works on an ongoing framework of ideological thinking

Supports the end of ideology in replacement of Endism as another ideology

  • Scientism replacing ideology would also be another ideology

What is the source of ideology’s survival and success?

  1. Flexibility: ideologies changes or replaced in response to changing social and historical circumstances
  2. Broader Historical Narrative: ideology gives people a reason to believe something larger than themselves, hope, vision, ideal society.
  3. Attachment to Ideological Roots: without ideology, parties left/right sells leaders/policies rather than emotional attached idealized state.


Chapter 12 Ideology - Discussion Questions