My family and I am doing well. We, along with the rest of the community, have not caught COVID-19. However, my village is quieter than normal since people don’t go out of their house often. Whenever anyone is out, they always wear protective masks. During this time, my community can not organize any weddings, funerals, new year festival, or the water festival. Moreover, my school has also been suffering because I have to study through a television. I could not understand the lessons nor meet my friends and teachers to read, draw or play. Now that my school is open again, I am so happy. We practice the 3 Do(s) and 3 Don’t(s) of COVID-19 safety to make sure everyone is safe. Now I can finally continue my studies. Everyone here has gotten the vaccine called Sinovac and Sinopharm starting from May to August. My family and I are similarly protected by two doses. Finally, I wish you good luck and good health forever.