Plastic Waste: 4th Meeting

(F) Day of the week: Monday Class: IS208 Created Time: June 29, 2020 2:04 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: June 29, 2020 2:04 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Simulation

  1. To share knowledge and technical expertise for building a clean region with solidarity.

    • Myanmar: omit ‘of’
  2. Clause

    • Myanmar: To omit ‘as a first priority’
  3. Clause

  • Malaysia: to merge with clause 2
    • Supported by Vietnam
    • the Phillipines reject to merge
  • Laos: shouldn’t merge the two, as it’s similar in some ways but also give context and new informations
  1. Sharing information & experience for more effective actions against plastic
  • Laos: to omit ‘no plastic’
  • The Philippines: want to merge 4 to 1

Is omited at the end

  1. Strengthen cooperation for capacity building, and explore additional financial resources
  • no objections
  1. Clause
  • Cambodia: to merge parts of 6 with 4 & 5
  1. Speed up consultation for regulations for reducing imported waste
  • Change to ‘Take into Account’
  1. to set effective regulations on governance of regional, national, and local level.
  • Cambodia: not all nations can practice this, but other priorities (economies, poverty…) more urgent/important
    • supports: Vietnam
  1. Strengthen cooperation with private sector, civil society, government & non-governmental sector, and development sector to regulate single use plastic

To omit

  1. Come together to create an adaptable resolution
  • Vietnam: to omit the clause as a whole
  • Myanmar: to combine with 7
  1. Strengthen ASEAN as an existing mechanism to reduce single use plastic
  • The Philippines: omit single use, replace with plastic instead for broader term. To provide assistance for technical expertise
  • Malaysia: Replace Strengthen with Expand, as some countries don’t have mechanism to comply
  • Myanmar: +Vietnam to keep the word ‘Strengthen’ and not replace, to make it more effective rather than expand
  1. To conduct regional action plan in the step towards a Regional Legal Traty on Transboundary Plastic Waste Management
  • No obejection
  1. To expand partnership on environmental management with asean members and dialogue partners, and IO partners
  • Cambodia: wants to merge with 9
  • Myanmar: wants to amend 9 with more information from 13
  1. For members to improve waste management practice to include the 3Rs with incentives for companies to reduce
  • Singapore: to merge with 5 as its also cooperation with finance
  • Cambodia: should keep

Keep 3Rs

  1. Clause


  1. Clause
  • Laos: to omit it , already mentioned in 3rd Clause (support: Vietnam, Philippines)


  1. No plastic bag policy, for national level and regional level
  • Laos: to omit entirely, because poor countries can’t achieve this (support: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia)


  1. larger collection areas for recycling market…
  • Vietnam: merge with 13


  1. Encourage for incentive for individuals and firms to reduce plastic waste
  • Vietnam: to omit


  1. Encourage more meetings involving experts to put their opinions
  • Vietnam: to add ‘regional meeting’ instead of ‘Meeting’