Liberalism: Historical Development

17th Century First Liberalism Concept

  • Hugo Grotis (1583-1645) asserted that All international relations are subject to
    • The law of nations: war is not the right of states
    • The law of nature: states are rational and law-biding

18th Century The Enlightenment & Democratic Peace Theory

  • Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
  • The Enlightenment contributed to liberalism by that individuals
    • are rational human beings
    • able to improve their life by creating a just society
  • Kant focused on the relationship between democracy and peace for the possibility of ‘perpetual peace’ among democratic nations (Democratic Peace Theory)

19th Century Democratic Deterrent for War

  • The Enlightenment + Scientific Modernization and Industrial Revolution + Democracy & Free Trade
  • Adam Smith and Jeremy Bentham: asserted, free trade raise interdependence
    • Raised the cost of war
    • Reward cooperation and competitions with peace, prosperity, and justice
  • This is the basis for Economic Liberalism

Core of 20th Century Liberalism

  • The core of 20th century Liberalism was
    • The Versailles Treaty: Woodrow Wilson: to prevent war:
      • creating collective security: Democratic Peace Theory
      • self determination of people: Wilson’s intent to spread democracy, autonomous states, and abolish colonies 1
      • eliminating power politics
    • The Covenant of the League of Nations: asserted the importance of international organizations for collective problem solving and reduce chance of war 2 1

Influence of Liberalism 1

  • Woodrow Wilson’s main mission was to spread liberalism to Europe and the Globe
  • 14 Points Programme to ‘make the world safe with democracy
  • lead to the creation of the League of nations

Woodrow Wilson’s 2 Main Ideas (28th US president)

  • Promotion of Democracy and self-determination: no colonies ⇒ all autonomous democratic states.
    • Democratic States don’t go to war with one another
  • Creation of International Organization: intelligently designed with rules and laws to reduce the chance of war. “a forest with caged beasts”
    • Act as middle ground to settle disputes peacefully

Normal Angell (Author of the Great Illusion)

  • Illusion: war gives profit to winners
  • Reality: war disrupts commerce and is very expensive to operate
  • Modernization and Economic Interdependence: The more developed countries are the less war is useful to their growth.
  • 💡 Woodrow Wilson + Normal Angell ⇒ International Organization to benefit all
    • Humans are rational, using reason to create a good IO that benefits everyone
    • Open Diplomacy: put pressure on states, hand tying

The Fall of ‘Utopian Liberalism’ 3

  • Liberalism was seen as wishful thinking when a series of opposing events happened in the 1920s
    • Nazi-Germany, Italy, and Europe dictatorships 3
    • Growth of Authoritarianism in Central and Eastern Europe 3
    • Lessen importance of democracy and powerful democracies had colonies abroad 3
    • Failure/dysfunctional of League of Nations : withdrawal of Italy, Japan, Germany’s membership
    • Great Depression 3
      • National Interests First: Protectionism



  1. Chapter 2 Theories of IR 2 3

  2. Chapter 2 The Theoretical Foundation of Global Governance (Main Reference)

  3. Jackson(2013)IntroductionInternationalRelationsa Chapter 4 Liberalism 2 3 4 5