How to construct a constitution for Syria?

Is reference to How would you create a Democratic Institution in Syria

  • The Syrian constitution was rewritten in coups of 1951, 1953, 1954, 1958, 1961, 1962, and 1973.
  • 1963 Ba’athist coup d’état, stayed in power from 1963 to 2011
    • effectively suspending most constitutional protections for citizens.
      • establish state of emergency [1]
    • established National Council of the Revolutionary Command which had executive, legislative, and judicial powers [1]
    • Leadership is succeeded through the Ba’ath bloodline
    • Human rights abuses
      • frequent executions of citizens & political prisoners
      • massive censorship
    • External conflicts
    • Oppositions: Syrian opposition, Rojava, Tahrir al-Sham and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
    • ranked last on Global Peace Index
  • 1966, Ba’ath defeated by coup [1]
    • suspended 1964 temp constitution
    • replaced with another temp constitution in 1969
  • the less extreme of the party split and followed General Hafiz al-Assad to stage coup [1]
    • elected president in 1971
    • The minority Alawites have maintained control over political power since the early 1970s. [1]
      • is Alawites the president elected in 1971 (General Hafiz al-Assad)?
    • adopted new 1973 constitution through referendum
      • stayed adopted and only modified a little till now
  • The Syrian Civil War is on-going war inspired by the Arab Spring Revolutions
    • Army defectors created Free Syrian Army: assuming they’re against the government
    • Rebel Groups: IS & al-Nusra
    • Possible Proxy War in Syria
    • Started in 2011 from government first torturing children for information then hostile response to peaceful protesters over the same matter [1]
    • before many complained under Bashar al-Assad [2]
      • high unemployment
      • officials abusing powers
      • lack political freedom
  • Casualties
    • 400k killed by 2017
    • 5 mil refugees
    • 500k internal displace
  • Economic Crisis in 2020
    • protests against failing economy and inflated in value
    • president dismissed prime minister in addressing economic problem
    • Analysts noted that a resolution to the current banking crisis in Lebanon might be crucial to restoring stability in Syria.
    • analysis says If government collapse there’ll be chaos and instability instead of improvement
    • analysts says sanctions could collapse the regime and destabilize the region