Chapter 3: Why Are There Wars?
(F) Day of the week: Saturday Class: IS203 Created Time: December 28, 2019 5:16 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: December 28, 2019 5:16 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Reading Notes
- What are the different dimensions of costs of war?
- Human Life
- Injure, displace, impoverish, disease humans
- Economic Costs
- Given the costs of war, why do states go to war?
- Conflicting Interest
- Failure to reach settlement
What is the Purpose of War?
- What do states fight over?
- Goods: Territories
- Resources: oil, natural gas, minerals
- Adding to state’s resources at disposal
- Strategic valued land
- Ethnic, cultural, or historical valued lands
- State Policy: A State policy that benefit their interests but harm others interests
- Conflict Over Regime Type: is using military force to change regimes in another state.
- Goods: Territories