Organizational Structure of the United Nations for Human Rights
- Treaty monitoring bodies: work with UNGA, UNSC, UNSOC
- These treaty-monitoring bodies are the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
- the Human Rights Committee
- the Committee against Torture
- the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
- the Committee on the Rights of the Child
- the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
- the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- the Committee on Enforced Disappearances
Security Council
Only UNGA used to discuss human rights, it stopped when UNSC took over the discussion
- UNSC was reluctant because it only concerned security issues, and not push interventionist policy
Self-Determination: UNSC advocated for all people
UN Interventions: Security Council has been involved increasingly in international humanitarian work
Intervention for humanitarian aid and human rights issues
With consent of host state
💡 Cases:
Former Yugoslavia (1992): threat to peace justifying intervention
Somalia (1992)
Palestine/Israel (2022): peacekeepers truth observers, and relief workersin Israel and surrounding
- UN sanctions are rare (Southern Rhodesia & South Africa)
- The most comprehensive UN sanction was on Iraq
- Libya:
- due to violent unrest
- protect civilian population
- Syria: sanction has not been supported by P5 of UNSC
- Due to sanctions’ effects on civilians population
- Infant mortality rose & public health deteriorated in Iraq
- General Comment And 8 of CESCR: “lawlessness in one way (violations of human rights) shouldn’t allow lawlessness in another (sanctions)”
- Unilateral sanctions are more popular recently: US.
- EU also impose sanctions: voted for sanction against Syria, but lift all against Myanmar
Problem with UNSC: it’s less likely to take actions against any P5
- China: human rights abuse in Tibet
- US instigated military actions in Iraq & Afghanistan