Format of Draft Resolution

Draft Resolution

The decree coming from the UN

The volunteer drafter of the resolution is called the ‘sponsor’

  • Around 6 people volunteer to


Provide and show the foundation, legal basis, power to take action on the issue

Operative Clauses

Propose what to do to end war or conflicts

  • Operative clauses must be italics and end with comma ,
  • End of each paragraph end with semicolon ;
  • Decides to remain actively seized of the matter
    • Means UN can come back and take more actions later on

Grammatical Structure

The whole document is one sentence

Subject., Adverb phrases (present/past participle phrases), V1; V2; V3; decides to … .

The Security Council, having …, concerned by …, calls up on …, condemn … .

Present soft measures first, continue getting tougher and more controversial by the end