Hegemonic Stability Theory 1
- The world is only stable and peaceful when there is one world power looking over the international system. 1
- Creating public good: international law, international institutions, standard of procedures
- Super power must take lead to make things possible
- Leader set rules of the system 2
- Find ways to enforce the rules or get states to voluntarily comply 2
- International cooperation is possible
- Britain era of free trade in Europe
- US Bretton Wood international trade system, dollar standard, overseas investment
- What is a hegemon? 3
- Significantly stronger than other states in the system on both economic and military dimensions;
- Aware of its power preponderance and willing to use it to shape its international environment according to its interest and values; and
- Active/proactive in the building, developing, and sustaining of various international institutions, which reflect the negotiation and renegotiation of hegemonic bargains with other states in the system/structure.
Chapter 2 The Theoretical Foundation of Global Governance ↩ ↩2
C02-SSIS-Small States in the International System At Peace and at War Lexington Books (2016): (pp.24, 2) ↩ ↩2
March 17, 2022 IS406 Lecture Slide Week 5 PART II THEORETICAL UNDERPINNINGS ↩