Dental Teeth

Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

  • Location:

Pachem Dental Clinic

Phnom, #170, Preah Norodom Blvd (41)

  • 218 dollars for the surgery that is required for the 2 bottom teeth
  • The top two are 75 dollars
  • 9:30 am Tuesday, left side, 2 teeth first

  • Instructions
    • Eat fully before coming
    • Sleep fully before coming because you will lose a lot of blood
    • Don’t drink any alcohol before or after surgery (duh)
  • Recovery:
    • It only hurt for a few hours, second day doesn’t hurt anymore but hard to open mouth, can eat hard food, but can’t open mouth wide
    • Remove wires March 27, 2022
    • Will continue second teeth in April

Teeth Cleaning

  • Should clean teeth once every 6 months from 1
  • Cleaning only costs 10$ each time 1

Kruoch Vannak Dental Clinic

179 St 155 Toul Tom Pung Ti Muoy, Chamkamorn


  1. Sambath Thearavattey 2