Chapter 25: Production and Growth

(F) Day of the week: Friday Class: IS206 Created Time: April 10, 2020 2:15 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: April 10, 2020 2:15 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Lecture

Determinants or Variables of Productivity

  • Labor

  • Capital/Human Resources

  • Natural Resources

  • Technology

Technology: society’s understanding of using the best way to produce goods and services

  • Use less ≥ input to create more < output

Production Functions

Y: Calculates the productivity of the resources provided.

  • f( ) is the function that takes in inputs combined to produce output
  • A is the level of technology
  • Variables of f( ) need to change at the same rate to output the same change

🏁 The Catch-up Effect: growth diminishes the bigger you are Leapfrog: the small can take advantage of advancement already made by the rich

Public Policy

1. Investment and Saving

Investment: the use of money to make more money

  • Interest Rate: high
  • Trust in society’s Banking system
  • Big and strong market of stocks and bonds

Saving: Trade off between Consumption and Saving

Investment and Savings could affect the economy’s activities or growth

2. Investment from Abroad

Foreign Direct Investment: foreigners building new company or factory in a country

Foreign Portfolio Investment: foreigner putting their money in a foreign bank, stock, and bond.

Joint Venture: local + foreign owners in a country

Problem of FDI Benefits

  • Hires local labor to do make their licensed product or service
  • Low skilled workers might not grow economy much
  • Less educated worker

3. Education

Technology is always changing, making education always in the catch up position to learn to utilize new technologies

  • Which level to be promoted? to teach new technology

Primary Education?

Secondary Education?

Tertiary Education?

Vocational Education?

  • Student Encouragement: subsidy(scholarship…)
  • Keep students working locally instead of abroad

4. Health and Nutrition

Good working condition > Healthy > Productivity

Body Mass Index: measurement of weight and height to determine fitness

5. Property Rights and Political Stability

To protect your intangible idea from being recreated and stolen for ~20 years

  • High Property Rights Policy:

lessen the accessibility of new inventions

  • Low Property Rights Policy:

less encouragement to invent new ideas or technology

8. Population Growth

  • Productivity(Y/L): if L^ ⇒ Productivity(Y/L)v
  • Lower quality of education

Societal Policies depend on situation (one child policy…)