PITD-C7: Ethnopolitics and Nationalism

Class: IS402 Created Time: October 20, 2021 1:45 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: October 27, 2021 3:07 PM Type: Literature Notes


  • Ethnicity: grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups such as a common set of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment within their residing area

Ethnic Groups

  • Ethnic groups are separated by their context
  • Identity influenced by Western colonialism
    • colonial masters favored some ethnic groups over another
    • putting some ethnic leaders as more powerful than others
    • conflicts break out when independent


  • National identity are inherently political


  1. Why does it matter to study ethnopolitics and nationalism?
  2. If ethnopolitical and national identities are constructed and thus can change, why do they not change more frequently and rapidly?
    • The colonized doesn’t realized their cultures are replaced by the Western colonizers
    • The West colonial masters are seen by locals as superior as Orientalism
  3. How does colonialism contribute to the construction of ethnopolitical identities in the developing world?
  4. What are the major types of national identity and how different are they?
  5. How many ethnopolitical groups and nations are there in the developing world?
  6. Explain the nature of national identity and nationalism in Asian countries with concrete examples.
  7. Does the nature of ethnopolitical and/or national identities determine whether democracy can be effective in the developing world?
    • yes ethnopolitical/national identity does determine compatibility of democracy
      • Asian nature (order, hierarchy)
  8. What are the five patterns of ethnopolitical morphology? Explain each one briefly with concrete examples.
  9. Besides the ethnic fractionalization, what are the other relevant aspects of ethnopolitical morphology?
  10. If the amount of violent ethnopolitical conflict has declined in the developing world as a whole, why is such conflict still so strong in some countries?
  11. What are the three types of collective interaction by ethnopolitical groups? Explain briefly their connection and interaction.
  12. Why is it often difficult to draw the boundary lines between these types? 13. What are the effects of globalization and foreign intervention on national identities in the developing world?
  13. Explain the substantial difference between plural monoculturalism and rational multiculturalism in Sen’s conception of multiculturalism.
  14. What are the effects of globalization and foreign intervention on national identities in the developing world?
  15. What are the effects of policies of these concepts on different types of national identity?
  16. What is meant by a “regime of managed ethnic heterogeneity” in Gurr? Explain briefly its components and how they contribute to the decline of severe ethnopolitical conflicts since the end of the Cold War.
  17. How does the study of ethnopolitics and nationalism contribute to our understanding of social inequality?