Correspondence and System

  • What is SK?
    • Sahakom: the system which tracks all things in AAC
  • Correspondence: លិខិតឆ្លើយឆ្លង, Sponsor asking questions to child
    • Different kinds
      1. Complaints: to the service ActionAid is providing
        • If the sponsor didn’t get the CM
      2. Queries: asking questions either to child or ActionAid
        • To ActionAid: through Email. Ex: Where was their money spent, and how?
        • Ex: how has the sponsored village changed?
      3. Normal Correspondence: sent to the Child
        • To ask things from child directly
    • Forms, criteria, or characteristics: Letters, Postcards, Sent digitally like an email, Gifts
  • ‘Child Reply’: answers back to a correspondence
  • Standard CMs happens twice a year
    • Why sponsor needs Correspondence letters

Correspondence Policy: គោលការ

  1. Can’t send photos or messages that negatively impact child’s mind or sponsor’s reputation
    • Inapproate photos
  2. Sponsor can’t come see the child without involving ActionAid first
    • Process
      • Supporter wants to meet child
      • AA of the country of sponsor
      • AA of the country of child
        • If the meet impacts the child’s income, Action Aid Cambodia (AAC) must pay the child that much
      • Partner Organization of AAC
      • Parents of child: to ask permission, available time, then inform back up
    • If they do, AA ends the contract with the sponsor
    • In CM, you can’t give whereabouts of either child or sponsor to one another
  3. All correspondence into Cambodia must be in English
    • Only two of Cambodia’s FA are English speaking.
    • IT, IR, and GR sponsors must contact AA of that country to help translate
  4. All correspondence must be logged in SK
    • Its not Cambodia responsibility anymore, its the FA’s now
  5. Must blank all contact details and addresses of sponsor in letter
    • They are confidential information that could open sponsor up to threats, harrassment, harmful intentions, distress
  6. Must log all CM in Correpondence Tracking Tool for acknowledgement
    • Tracking the date when the partner org gets the correspondence
      • Receiving date
  7. Provide translation to local language: even for field worker
  8. Review letter before sending to community
    • Mistakes in Khmer language is taken very seriously and will complain
  9. Deliver letter to child: guarantee that it gets to the child
    • If the child migrate, partner org can keep it until they meet child again
  10. Know what is a correspondence package.
    • Don’t open anything else that could be confidential
  11. Questions from sponsor must be answered in the Child Reply.
    • Unless questions that violates policy.
    • Don’t add anything else of your own that child didn’t say
  12. Correspondence questions must be given to the child/parent properly
    • And must capture accurately what child said
  13. Log in SK when the Child Reply is sent
  • Correspondence Check list: Check everything in policies are not violated

How to process correspondence

  • Correspondence comes from FA
    • A few comes from Post-Office every Wednesday and Thursday
  1. Checking Correspondence
    • Check in SK for and write down in envelope (not the letter):
      • File Directory: N://Resource Mobilization/Sponsorship/Correspondence/Correspondence Translation/
      • Child Name
      • Child beneficiary number
      • AAC’s partner name for the child
      • FA country: funding rules
        • Get the type (IC/BC) from SK listing
          • BC: Big Step
          • IC: Child Sponsorship IC
      • Correspondence type: letter, postcard, gift
    • Scan the contents: rename it after the LRP ID
  2. Logging into SK (Already done by FA)
    • Log into Correspondence Tracking Tool (Excel File)
    • Set
      • Child Beneficiary ID
      • Partner Org, everything else is auto
      • Set the period: P1 or P2
        • When you received the correspondence
        • Accounting for multiple months process
      • FA country
      • Forms of package: letter, drawing…
        • Description of the package: drawing of a house…
  3. Correspondence Translation: make sure it is in local language
    • Write down: Child Name, Child Beneficiary number, and AAC’s partner organization
    • Every sponsor’s question must translated in Khmer then in English in red
      • តើសំនួរជាអ្វី? (What is the question?)
      • Don’t correct any grammar or spelling
    1. Create a few questions for child related to correspondence topics
      • If there’s not many questions from sponsor
      • A few if there is some
      • Write your question in khmer (no red)
    2. Delete any address/contacts from letter
    3. Cut the English question (in red) into the Excel column (Supporter’s Queries (English))
    4. Copy the Khmer translation into Excel column (Supporter’s Queries (KH))
      • If multiple questions, put them consecutively
    5. Cut your own created questions into ACC’s Questions (KH)
  4. Packaging
    • Print the translated Khmer message and staple it to the letter/drawing
    • Print: ID, Catagory of letter, Khmer translation of ACC’s Question, Khmer Translation of sponosrs questions (From SK)
    • Put in Child Reply paper for child to write
    • Print partner’s address to stick on the folder or files
      • From Drive(S)/Sponsorship/Correspondences/Envolope-cover for Corr for all partner


  • Monthly payment
  • What is Gift Fund?
    • Extra funds into a pool that helps the entire village
    • Not just one child
    • Collected Annually in Q1 of that year
    • Done in Community Voice events organized by AA that is funded by the Gift Fund