IS405 Review Session

Class: IS405 Created Time: January 3, 2022 2:09 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: January 28, 2022 10:17 AM Provided Materials: IFL_IS405_Reviews_of_Articles_2021.pdf


  • These are the basic ideas of Realism that all branches of Realism shares (Structural, offensive, defensive, strategic, classical, neo-classical Realism)
  • Main idea is Anarchy: order of international relation
    • doesn’t mean chaos, no overarching authority or world government
    • cooperation can still exist
  • States tries to survive under anarchy
    • to survive you need to know the rule of the game
    • to master the balance of power
      • Build own power compared to neighbors, to protect one self & to not threaten others
  • There is only material power or hard power
    • Economic power: sanctions are coercive nature
    • Military power


  • Same basic assumptions as Realism’s anarchy
  • Interdependence affects the behavior of states
    • Connectivity → Sensitivity: making states more vulnerable
    • States think twice before going to war (it costs a lot more)
      • Military powerful but isn’t everything
    • IO can deal with problems which material power and states can’t deal with alone
      • Problems of Cheating
      • Free riding
      • Environmental problems
  • International regime: is also very important (similar to Constructivism)
    • There’s New order: interdependence require states to work with IOs ⇒ therefore institutions are important


  • Social Constructivism
  • Constructivism observed the world and interpreted the world differently than Liberalism and Realism
  • There exist a social interaction between different actors
  • Types of Power
    • Compulsory power
  • 4 Types of Authority: it’s not power, it’s ability to convince people you’re in control
    • Institutional Authority
  • 4 Politics: (find it in the transnational advocacy network)
    • Accountability Politics
  • All actors that have authority or power will need to work with states to deal with problems of the world
    • Global Governance: is the process of interaction between decentralized inclusion of all actors who have any amount of authority
  • Weakness: they didn’t explain why all these assumptions work
    • Constructivism discoveries are only done very recently, why wasn’t it discovered thousands of years ago
    • It’s assumptions are more or less correct, but why is it only applying now
    • Constructivism piggy backed on Neo-Liberalism’s assumptions of the three revolutions
      • Information revolution
      • Communication revolution
      • Transportation revolution

💡 Takeaways

  • Realism is too narrow

  • Neo-Liberalism gave us new order

  • Constructivism gave us more actors, types of powers, and authority, but didn’t give credits to Neo-Liberalism’s developments

  • Only sometimes these 3 theories have competing assumptions and explainations

    • It depends on the case & context
    • Policy recommendation: you must judge which theory is better to explain this
  • A theory must have (theory vs approach)

    • ontology: where their knowledge comes from
    • epistemology: what their assumptions are
    • methodology: looking at identity

  • What are the most compelling argument for each theory?
  • Use one or more theories to apply to a case study, event.
  • Case study
    • Ukraine-Russia Conflict:
      • Ukraine asks to join NATO → Balance of power change → Russia’s existential fear: Realism describe better
      • How would Neo-Liberalism explain it?
        • Economic Interdependence: Russia fears the change because billions of dollars of investments in Ukraine
      • How would Constructivism explain it?
        • Democratic norms are rising → Ukraine’s democracy & join NATO → Existential threat of Russia
    • China threaten Taiwan invasion
      • More bluff than real threat: no country announce a war before taking actions
        • No surprise advantage
        • Taiwan and allies could mass troops and position them ready
        • It would cost China too much: US is still more powerful
      • China doesn’t have the war time experience or veterans to run a war properly. The last war China was in?
    • End of Cold War: State as actor in the anarchic system