
  • Consulting company utilizing AI and technology to consult companies & businesses

Accenture’s Value

  • Values should be static anchor that guides the changes in culture of the workplace
    • Culture shouldn’t stay stagnant and used as an excuse for bad conduct

Accenture’s Workplace Rules

  • No phones or photos allowed ever
  • When in office you need to store everything in the locker including: smart watch, phone, bluetooth devices…
  • Don’t talk about the client to anyone, even close friends & families
  • email for anything other than work
  • @accenture email only for internal emails
    • Don’t put “Client name” on email headings
  • No guests in workplace
    • Unbaged people need permission from [Client] permission and signing NDA before

Accenture Time and Expense

  • Policy 63: Time and Expense Reporting

    • All employees must record what purpose you spend your time in a timesheet from Time and Expense
    • Charge time to correct WBS code (ask supervior for code)
      • WBS has all types of time usage type, so look for it
      • Update correct working hours as well (always 1h work break)
        • Should be Working Hours Work Schedule Total Hours
      • Charge Personal and Business days for things like going to make a long term VISA
    • Due date: 15th & 30th/31st. (must submit 2 days in advance)
      • Submit twice a month
      • 25th & 10th expense
      • 29th salary paid
      • Can change if illness is unexpected after submitted
    • Capture correct work location
    • Expenses need receipts
      • Can claim VISA expense & medical check up
      • Use description to add lots of detail, formal asking for a pay

  • Working time (Wave 3)

    • Khmer, Cantonese, Divehi & Mandarin Teams 4.30pm to 1.30am
    • Others Languages 7am-4pm
    • Traning room 1
