Article Reflection

Class: IS303 Created Time: February 6, 2021 1:22 PM Database: Assignment Database Last Edited Time: June 11, 2021 11:20 AM Status: Done


  • Research problem
  • Goal of the research
  • unit of analysis
    • Problem of research
    • research question and objective
    • research hypothesis
  • type of research: quantitative or qualitative?
  • methodology of research
    • research design:
      • cross-sectional study
      • longitudinal study
      • field research
    • Who is smapled
      • How many
      • sampling strategy
    • data analysis method
  • Result
    • findings responding to the research questions and objectives
    • issue of validity
      • internal
      • measurment
      • external
  • Reflection
    • What have you learned
      • from how the study is designed
      • how data was analyzed
      • statistical tools
    • What could be applied to your later studies.

Questioning The Priority A Suffering Artisan or a Living being with a Dying Soul

Regime Types and Economic Development

Procedural Environmental Obligations