Simulation 2: Mission Report
Class: IS208 Created Time: June 3, 2020 10:16 PM Database: Assignment Database Last Edited Time: June 11, 2021 3:14 PM Resulting Materials: COVID-19-Cambodia-Mission-Report.docx.odt Status: Done
Brunei: to take collective actions to mitigate affects of covid 19
- to strengthen economy
- Open market
- cooperate to fight the virus
- Collective recovery: slow down and look at economy after the pandemic
Agreed By
- Cambodia
- Laos
- Philippines
- Singapore
Thailand: put citizen first (jobs)
Brunei: economy
Indonesia: economy
All members of ASEAN agrees to international travel restrictions in place while keeping e-commerce and economic activity going. Brunei recommended the motive to continue to strengthen regional economies, to fight the COVID-19 together, while also preparing for a future ‘Collective Recovery’ plan to revitalize ASEAN’s economies after the pandemic is over. The proposal was met with agreements from Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, and Singapore, while Thailand insisted on citizens’ job security. Vietnam then, reiterated that the previously mentioned ‘Ad Hoc Task Force’ will cover all of these issues with it’s three pillars. The other main issue is the distribution of the developing vaccine. Thailand doubts Vietnam’s ‘Task Force’ proposal due to time and the ARF already existing structure.
Brunei mentioned every South East Asian will need vaccination to ensure safety. Vietnam, the Philippines, and Cambodia agrees ASEAN should cooperate in develop and distribute vaccines. However, Indonesia doubts the development speed and distribution method of the vaccine.
Lockdowns were agreed to still be put in place, while social issues were brought up.
Social issues such as job security, poverty, and social protections were brought up as concerns by Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, and Vietnam calling for governmental subsidies, quick economic recovery, and better disaster management. Singapore, Cambodia, and Vietnam also agrees richer ASEAN members should offer technical and scholar help for poorer nations.
Cambodia Country Report References
Report on Global Cases and Cambodia’s Cases:
Asymtomatic Spread: