Simulation 1 Meeting 2

United States

  1. Chea Resan
  2. Sambath Thearavattey

New Humanitarian issue debate

Talk about specific issues of the topic and find solutions that fit your national interest

  • displacement of people leads to
    • covid
    • humanitarian disruption
    • violence and chaos in society

Sponsor state read draft resolution to announce to other countries

add more strict preambular clauses that is according to US interest to create tension and debate between US and China

Change operating clause to more strict and required wordings to fit with US interests

China’s Suggestions

just a friendly suggestion 1- please change Rupublic of China to the People’s Republic of China 2- kindly add these two clauses under the preamble clauses:

  • Determining that the situation in Somalia continues to constitute a threat to regional and international peace and security,
  • Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

3- delete the ADOPT at New York…, but instead put this:

  1. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

India’s Suggestions

May need to be a separate clause

want to add more idea in this clause:

Call upon member states to strengthen multilateral cooperation to help Somalia security force to strengthen their capacity to address the abuse of ICT by terrorist through increasing share of information and intelligence and call for further cooperation in defense industry including digital defense software, research and development, and provision of finance to sustain the operations, disrupt their important networks with sponsors and transnational organized crime (OTC) groups, stop the flow of terror finance from spreading as well as the flow of weapons especially Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) across the country which terrorist group Al-Shabaab use as a common weapon to kill people in Somalia since many civilians continue to suffer from the terrorist attacks


It’s estimated 2.6 million people have been displaced in Somalia due to

  • conflict
  • insecurity
  • drought
  • floods

The majority of people have self-settled in over 2,000 sub-standard IDP sites in urban and peri-urban areas across the country. People displaced to these sites are living in precarious conditions and are not having their basic needs met due to inconsistent service provision or exclusion from accessing humanitarian support.

Situation CCCM Somalia Overview

Somalia unable to purchase their own weapons yet

Opening trade of weapons would only let weapon supply fall into the hands of Al-Shabaab through the black market