Articles: Measuring Globalization
Class: IS403 Created Time: November 5, 2021 1:42 PM Database: Class Notes Database Last Edited Time: December 3, 2021 2:03 PM Provided Materials: Tags:#Article Type: Lecture, Reading Notes
a country might record a high ‘globalization’ score when its international transactions are in fact heavily concentrated with neighbouring countries.
- it is impossible to include them all individually in one regression. Therefore, the study develops an index of globalization covering its most important aspects:
- economic integration
- social integration
- political integration
Limitations of Indices
- Indices/ranking in measuring globalization have limitations of:
- Indices cannot accurately establish or explain long term trends
- Most indices focus on economic globalization and not cultural globalization. Economic globalization is still uncertain how accurate it represent globalization
- Sub-Indices: are still merged into a unified index without any attempt at either distinguishing between globalization breadth and depth, or, still less, at revealing the complex interaction between the various aspects of globalization
- Indices capture the volume of flow (economic, migration, informational, etc.) but not their direction (country → country flow)
- does not allow any distinction between globalization and regionalization.
Why does measuring globalization matter?
- we are hardly capable of constructing and verifying any formal explanations and hypotheses regarding
- the complexity of globalization processes
- their interrelation and mutual influence from globalization
- and still less – of either developing mathematical models describing globalization, or making reliable forecasts on the future globalization
Need a multidimensional methodology for globalization measurement
- network analysis seems the most suitable tool for analyzing globalization processes through
- capturing the country-to-country flows: how broad has globalization spread?
- their direction, content, and dynamics: its flow, depth, and trends
- revealing the key nodes in the network of the globalized world: which parts are important points influencing globalization
- analysis with global city studies: reveal the various extent to which different regions within each single country are permeated by globalization and involved in the globalized world