Thank you madam chair, we the Republic of Fiji would like to raise a motion to open a moderated caucus for 20 minutes with a speaking time of 1 and a half minute to discuss the accessibility of vaccines.

Vaccine Intellectual Property Sharing

Thank you madam chair, we the Republic of Fiji would like to applause the record speed in developing this much needed vaccine and acknowledge the resource and finance to fund the research and development on this scale. Nonetheless, we would also like to remind all delegates that this is not the time to capitalize on those in need. Monopolizing and capitalizing on life saving vaccines production is beneficial financially only in the short run, but will not rid this world of this detested virus. The sooner the borders are open, the sooner economic ties are reforged, the quicker we will return to the normal life. We, Fiji, propose that those who are blessed to have the capability and knowledge to produce effective vaccines make efforts to share their expertise to the rest of the world or at least further establish safe vaccine developing hubs in other regions of the world such as the one established between China and Egypt to allow simultaneous development and quick distribution of these vaccines.

  • during time of crisis why not help the world and get economies started again instead of trying to exploit those already in need
  • Maybe compromise by establishing more vaccine development hub like those in Egypt in more areas around the world so transportation is cheaper & easier and vaccines are developed more rapidly simultaneously
  • Where are the main producers of vaccines right now? Where are regional producers needed?
    • Is it worse to try and have every country produce it too? including developing countries?
      • How unsafe would that be?

General Comments of the DR

Thank you madam chair, we, the Republic of Fiji, first would like to offer appreciation towards the sponsor states who were able to develop this draft resolution quickly and punctually and we agree with many of the clauses presented today. Specifically, We, Fiji, offer our support for clause 2 and 3 for the purpose of boosting the producing and distribution process to ensure poorer countries have a chance of obtaining the vaccines. However, we were disappointed to see that clause 6, which pertains to secondary impacts of the pandemic, did not mention the economic aspect that stagnated many economies. Nor did clause 7, which specifically discusses the world economy, mention any assuring plans to keep economies from decline in the first place especially those who are particularly reliant on one or a few sectors such as that of Fiji’s and other Pacific Islander’s reliance on tourism. There was only a mention of the Build Back Better World, a newly formed agreement which has not bared any results to be considered reliable as of yet. Nevertheless, we hope to have fruitful discussions to create the best resolution we can in this upcoming caucuses. Thank you madam chair, we would like to yield the floor.

  • Agree with countries who have extra vaccines can donate to COVAX multilaterally rather than doing bilateral deals

  • Noticed that economic recovery or sustainability was not prominently mentioned at all

    • only briefly in clause 7.b
  • Wants more distributors of COVID-19 vaccines

  • Don’t focus much on bilateral relations and vaccine distributions

  • Clause 6 secondary impacts lack mention of economic recovery plan or current economic ties

    • especially for tourism dependent countries


  • Alternatives to COVAX, more distributors
  • Russia prefer bilateral contribution (direct)
    • selling to allies bilaterally improves relations more than the world
    • Problems with distribution or transportation
    • Still agree to work with COVAX
    • Should do multilateral for equality?