
  • What are embassies?
    • Embassies are bodies/institutions/buildings
      • Located in country A
      • Staffed by country B
    • Embassies are the normal means and institution through which conduct of diplomacy between any two nations
  • History and evolution of embassy

What are the different types of embassies?

Embassy and staff’s priviledges or Diplomatic Immunities

  • Embassies and its staffs needed special ‘privileges and immunities’ under local criminal and civil law
    • to effectively conduct their role and activities without local harrassment or pressure.
  • Why do Embassies have priviledges
    • Embassies are the extension of sovereignty of the sending state
    • Ambassator is a full-representation of a sovereing state.

Problems of Diplomats and Embassies



  • Does the different types of embassies exist in Cambodia?
  • Compare and contrast the differences between each type of embassy?
  • Cambodia’s embassies were establised after the colonization of France

  • Key Terms


  1. C08-Embassies-EDPSE - Economic Development, 11th Edition (The Pearson Series in Economics, 2011)