Seminar 2: COVID-19
(F) Day of the week: Sunday Class: IS208 Created Time: April 26, 2020 2:11 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: April 26, 2020 2:11 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:39 AM Tags:#COVID-19,#Coronavirus,#Simulation Type: Seminar
As of 10 a.m. March 18, 2020, the Cambodian government has shuttered all museums, cinemas, concert halls, bars, and karaoke establishments (KTV parlors). Any large religious gatherings are prohibited until further notice.
The Cambodian Ministry of Health has designated three hospitals in Phnom Penh (Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital, National Pediatric Hospital, and Kantha Bopha Hospital), and 25 Provincial Referral Hospitals as medical facilities that can order a test for, and treat, suspected cases of COVID-19.
March 14th: 30 Days ban from Italy, Germany, Spain, France, and US.\
- 7 Cases of Coronavirus
- Travelers are required to complete a health declaration
March 31st: Cambodia receives $2 million from US to fight COVID-19
Coronavirus Cases
- Early cases are from people who traveled from Wuhan or foreigners into the country (imported)
- Asia has lesser developed technolgy to detect Asymptomatic cases of the virus (criticism)
ASEAN Response
- Establishment of COVID-19 ASEAN response fund
- Experience & Information sharing, prevention methods
- Video conference with China, Japan, Korea
- About information sharing
- Countering methods
Criticism Points
- Emergency Power: criticism of using state of emergency as a means to get more powers in leadership
- Quarantine: affect human rights in freedom of travel.
- News Censorship
Answer Why Emergency Power? In accordance with the ASEAN Values, we value stability, security, and order more than the westernized idea of liberal freeness which can produce chaos like in the US right now. The emergency authority of the government will be extremely useful in maintaining a strict and thorough management of society in this time of crisis without producing panic.
- Government Transparency: Hidden information, false cases numbers
- Planning and Preparedness: focus on stockpiling Personal Protective Equipment and maintain infrastructures to do mass testing
- Study own country’s policies, to know our position
- Make arguments from each points of criticism
- More developed or prepared countries could propose a model for less prepared states to follow