Classical Realism: Scholarly Perspectives



  • …naturally are not equal, they uses power to dominate others and defend themselves
  • …must adapt to their situation to survive

Rulers’ decisions are impactful and must be careful what they do about foreign policy

  • Foresight: to anticipate and predict what will happen, see which is the best option in making decisions
  • Prudence: Must be careful so they would avoid the risk
  • Caution:??
  • Judgement:??


  • …is about the level of power, is useless, the more power you have the more justified you are
  • …is about recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and adapting to the unequal situation

The Thucydides’ Trap

If a rising power is rising, another dominant power will try to resist them from rising. Leading to the trap of war between two major powers.

Ex: U.S. and China have been challenging one another as China has been quickly growing. (Trade War ⇒ future physical conflict)

Niccolò Machiavelli

focus on survival and security

The power (lion) and deception (fox) are the two essential means for survival in conduction of foreign policy

  • Need of power: to defend one self
  • Must be aware and anticipate actions of others
    • Preemptive War: to attack a potential enemy even during time of peace.

“A leader must focus on both power and perception to be able to survive. challenges come in all shapes and sizes, picking one over another is not enough.”

Private Morality in foreign relations will threaten the state’s security and survival

  • Bringing good faith of a leader as the reason for the state’s actions

“A leader should not let his good control him. Rather allow himself to flex between good or evil according to the state’s necessity”

Thomas Hobbes

The state of nature / uncivilized nature is always in the ‘state of every man for himself’

Civilization / Sovereignty States are created to deal with internal and external disorder or threats.

Problem of Security Dilemma

❌ threat between individuals

States build up security ⇒ others build up security also ⇒ less secure in than first place

state of nature on the international level

  • Need of power: to defend one self
  • Need of deception: take opportunity to strengthen one self

Private Morality in foreign relations will threaten the state’s security and survival

Public Morality must be practiced to lead a country successfully

  • Put security and survival of society and state first, not morality.

✔ threat between states

Hans Morgenthau

6 principles

  • Politics has the nature of self-centered, self regarding first.
  • ‘an autonomous sphere to action’ cannot be conducted using morals. You have the freedom to do anything without the care of other’s well beings
  • Interests are ever changing, and realism is the set of beliefs to respond to the changing political reality
  • The ethic of dealing with international relations is to decide what is best for the people (security & welfares)
  • Nations imposing their ideologies on other nations could backfire and threaten the crusading country.
  • Statecraft must be conducted knowing the flaws of human nature and not what they could be
