DTAP-C04: Diplomatic Negotiation

  1. Briefly explain the causes and consequences of the loss of negotiation momentum.

    • Causes of momentum loss
      • the need for frequent consultation
      • the illness of key personnel
      • re-emergence of bad feeling
      • the outbreak of the disputes among the team members
      • waiting for a good opportunity (change in the leadership)
    • Consequences
      • permanent suspension
      • loss of support/ loss of commitment
      • good opportunity for spoilers to sabotage the negotiation
      • those parties will pay attention to else
  2. Explain how deadlines can help maintain negotiation momentum. Explain the different types of deadlines and their strengths and weaknesses.

    the deadlines must be realistic (give sufficient time) (not too long, not too short) and must be real (penalties)

    1. self-imposed deadlines: (realistic VS but not real (no serious penalties), extendable (can be extended at will)
    2. external deadlines: ex: election date, …
    3. symbolic deadlines: ex: anniversary
    4. overlapping deadlines (non-extendable vs not sufficient) (media attention, non-extendable VS
  3. Explain how the use of metaphors of movement helps maintain negotiation momentum.

    • metaphors = representations of one thing in terms of others
    • appealing
      • motivation, encouragement, (collaboration, shared destiny)
      • metaphors of movement gg, driven forward, the road, green light.
      • metaphors of the train gg, derailed, on the track,
      • metaphors of journey race against time, on the same boat, .
      • metaphors of collaboration
    • Metaphors should be made in for the other side and their culture to understand
      • Diplomats need this communicative skills to express ideas in different cultures using different contexts
  4. Explain how publicity helps maintain negotiation momentum.

    • releasing the information can be bad and good
      • flying the kites to test the reactions/ to give clues/hints
      • leaking information to gather support
      • talking up the talks to pressure the parties (because of the public high expectation)
        • Only works for democratic countries where leaders actually listen to public pressure
  5. How can raising the level of the talks help maintain negotiation momentum and how can it be done?

    • Inability to make decisions on the spot
    • Raising the level means sending higher ranking decision makers:
      • fast decision making (saving time), more trust, new ideas (to break deadlocks)
      • other side will think you’re taking the negotiation seriously
    • Problem: Top leaders are busy and can’t meet regularly
      • Solution:
        • in an open/formal manner (in set-piece fashion)
        • in an ad-hoc manner (when deadlocks emerge)
        • using the ‘back channel’: top leaders can listen to discussions between small officials
          • Only popping in calls to exchange ideas and solve only when there is deadlock
          • It is secretly conducted without public or negotiator’s knowledge
