PAI-C10: Power Interdependence and Globalism

Class: IS405 Created Time: October 25, 2021 2:41 PM Database: Evergreen Database Last Edited Time: October 26, 2021 3:09 PM Type: Literature Notes

  • Globalism is a type of interdependence, but with two special characteristics:

    1. Networks of connections (multiple relationships)

    • Relations between states and non-state actors over particular interests: economic, politics

    1. Multicontinental distances Globalization is a shrinkage of distance on the large scales.

    • Geographical distances between coutnries doesn’t matter anymore
    • They can all stay connected
  • Globaization is the process of increasing globalism

  • Interdependence refers to a condition in which it states depend on each other.

    • The affair can be increasing, or declining within a period of time.

Dimentions of Globalism

  1. Economic Globalism: market flow through the flow of people
  2. Military Globalism:
  3. Environmental Globalism: long distance transport of chemicals in the atmosphere concerning human health
  4. Social and Cultural Globalism: changes that come from new flow of ideas and plurality or mixture of cultures
  • How thick is Globalization?
    • “Thick globalization” means the involving of many relationships that are affecting the lives of many people due to the long-distance flows are large and continuous.
  • Is Globalism today American-Centric?
    • Its not 100% American, there are others that are rising in influence as well