Politics Key-terms Review

(F) Day of the week: Tuesday Class: IS204 Created Time: December 31, 2019 3:57 PM Database: Class Notes Database Date: December 31, 2019 3:57 PM Days Till Date: Passed Last Edited Time: June 9, 2021 10:42 AM Type: Lecture

Politics is the Art of dealing with people/states

  • For Interests
    • Mutual Interests
    • Zero-Sum Interests

Main Political Regimes


Quality of Democracy

  • Liberal

    Democracy of 8-9/10

    • Rights
      • Positive
      • Negative
    • Rule of Law
    • Check and Balance
    • Peaceful Power Transfer
  • Semi/Quasi/Pseudo

    Partial Democracy: 2-7/10

    • Have Partially of
      • Rights
        • Positive
        • Negative
      • Rule of Law
      • Check and Balance
      • Peaceful Power Transfer

    Ex: 7 of Southeast Asia

    Larry Diamond Division of the 7 Partial Democracy

    • 2 Democratic

      • Liberal
      • Electorial
    • 3 Authoritarian

      • Competitive
      • Hegemony Election
      • Closed
    • 1 Ambiguous

      Have political violence

      Ex: East Timor, Cambodia(1998)

  • Decision Makings

    • Direct

      is used in the past

    • Indirect (Representation)

      Election System

      • Proportional Representation

        the number of seats a party gets is proportional to the fraction of vote it got

        • Gets 1/3 vote ⇒ 1/3 of all seats
        • Seat number is rounded up or down according to fraction

        Ex: Cambodia

      • Winner Takes All

        The party with simple majority, more than each party, gets all the seats


  • Dictatorship/Authoritarianism ⇒ 1 Party State

    Defined by themselves as Socialism/Communism

    Ex: China,

  • Totalitarianism

    • Power change through hereditary
    • Power is in individual hands

    Ex: Brunei, North Korea

Government System

  • Leadership
    • Presidential

      President holds all the power over the country

    • Parliamentary

      • King/President: king symbol for state, president has power
      • Prime Minister: has the power if no president
  • Governing
    • Unitary

      Central Government holds authority over local government

    • Federal

      each state has their own autonomy and government

      Ex: U.S. , Malaysia

  • Power Separation
    • Executive: Hold Minister Cabinet: enforce laws passed
    • Judiciary: Holds Court: implement laws
    • Legislative
      • Unicameral
      • Bicameral
        • Lower House
        • Upper House: Pass laws